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1from import jmol_colors
2from import covalent_radii
5def view_sage_jmol(atoms):
6 try:
7 from .sage.plot.plot3d.shapes import ColorCube, Sphere
8 except Exception: # XXX Which kind of exception exactly?
9 raise ImportError(
10 'view_sage_jmol requires sage ( ' +
11 'and is intended to be used directly in the browser')
12 cell = atoms.cell.diagonal() / 2
13 model = ColorCube(list(cell), ['blue', 'blue', 'blue'], opacity=0.1)
14 for atom in atoms:
15 atomic_number = atom.number
16 color = tuple(jmol_colors[atomic_number])
17 radius = covalent_radii[atomic_number]
18 model += Sphere(radius, color=color).translate(
19 *(atom.position - atoms.cell.diagonal() / 2))
20, frame=False)