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1import os
2import numpy as np
3from copy import deepcopy
5from ase.calculators.calculator import KPoints, kpts2kpts
7_special_kws = ['center', 'autosym', 'autoz', 'theory', 'basis', 'xc', 'task',
8 'set', 'symmetry', 'label', 'geompar', 'basispar', 'kpts',
9 'bandpath', 'restart_kw']
11_system_type = {1: 'polymer', 2: 'surface', 3: 'crystal'}
14def _get_geom(atoms, **params):
15 geom_header = ['geometry units angstrom']
16 for geomkw in ['center', 'autosym', 'autoz']:
17 geom_header.append(geomkw if params.get(geomkw) else 'no' + geomkw)
18 if 'geompar' in params:
19 geom_header.append(params['geompar'])
20 geom = [' '.join(geom_header)]
22 outpos = atoms.get_positions()
23 pbc = atoms.pbc
24 if np.any(pbc):
25 scpos = atoms.get_scaled_positions()
26 for i, pbci in enumerate(pbc):
27 if pbci:
28 outpos[:, i] = scpos[:, i]
29 npbc = pbc.sum()
30 cellpars = atoms.cell.cellpar()
31 geom.append(' system {} units angstrom'.format(_system_type[npbc]))
32 if npbc == 3:
33 geom.append(' lattice_vectors')
34 for row in atoms.cell:
35 geom.append(' {:20.16e} {:20.16e} {:20.16e}'.format(*row))
36 else:
37 if pbc[0]:
38 geom.append(' lat_a {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[0]))
39 if pbc[1]:
40 geom.append(' lat_b {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[1]))
41 if pbc[2]:
42 geom.append(' lat_c {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[2]))
43 if pbc[1] and pbc[2]:
44 geom.append(' alpha {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[3]))
45 if pbc[0] and pbc[2]:
46 geom.append(' beta {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[4]))
47 if pbc[1] and pbc[0]:
48 geom.append(' gamma {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[5]))
49 geom.append(' end')
51 for i, atom in enumerate(atoms):
52 geom.append(' {:<2} {:20.16e} {:20.16e} {:20.16e}'
53 ''.format(atom.symbol, *outpos[i]))
54 symm = params.get('symmetry')
55 if symm is not None:
56 geom.append(' symmetry {}'.format(symm))
57 geom.append('end')
58 return geom
61def _get_basis(theory, **params):
62 if 'basis' not in params:
63 if theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
64 return []
65 basis_in = params.get('basis', '3-21G')
66 if 'basispar' in params:
67 header = 'basis {} noprint'.format(params['basispar'])
68 else:
69 header = 'basis noprint'
70 basis_out = [header]
71 if isinstance(basis_in, str):
72 basis_out.append(' * library {}'.format(basis_in))
73 else:
74 for symbol, ibasis in basis_in.items():
75 basis_out.append('{:>4} library {}'.format(symbol, ibasis))
76 basis_out.append('end')
77 return basis_out
80_special_keypairs = [('nwpw', 'simulation_cell'),
81 ('nwpw', 'carr-parinello'),
82 ('nwpw', 'brillouin_zone'),
83 ('tddft', 'grad'),
84 ]
87def _format_brillouin_zone(array, name=None):
88 out = [' brillouin_zone']
89 if name is not None:
90 out += [' zone_name {}'.format(name)]
91 template = ' kvector' + ' {:20.16e}' * array.shape[1]
92 for row in array:
93 out.append(template.format(*row))
94 out.append(' end')
95 return out
98def _get_bandpath(bp):
99 if bp is None:
100 return []
101 out = ['nwpw']
102 out += _format_brillouin_zone(bp.kpts, name=bp.path)
103 out += [' zone_structure_name {}'.format(bp.path),
104 'end',
105 'task band structure']
106 return out
109def _format_line(key, val):
110 if val is None:
111 return key
112 if isinstance(val, bool):
113 return '{} .{}.'.format(key, str(val).lower())
114 else:
115 return ' '.join([key, str(val)])
118def _format_block(key, val, nindent=0):
119 prefix = ' ' * nindent
120 prefix2 = ' ' * (nindent + 1)
121 if val is None:
122 return [prefix + key]
124 if not isinstance(val, dict):
125 return [prefix + _format_line(key, val)]
127 out = [prefix + key]
128 for subkey, subval in val.items():
129 if (key, subkey) in _special_keypairs:
130 if (key, subkey) == ('nwpw', 'brillouin_zone'):
131 out += _format_brillouin_zone(subval)
132 else:
133 out += _format_block(subkey, subval, nindent + 1)
134 else:
135 if isinstance(subval, dict):
136 subval = ' '.join([_format_line(a, b)
137 for a, b in subval.items()])
138 out.append(prefix2 + ' '.join([_format_line(subkey, subval)]))
139 out.append(prefix + 'end')
140 return out
143def _get_other(**params):
144 out = []
145 for kw, block in params.items():
146 if kw in _special_kws:
147 continue
148 out += _format_block(kw, block)
149 return out
152def _get_set(**params):
153 return ['set ' + _format_line(key, val) for key, val in params.items()]
156_gto_theories = ['tce', 'ccsd', 'mp2', 'tddft', 'scf', 'dft']
157_pw_theories = ['band', 'pspw', 'paw']
158_all_theories = _gto_theories + _pw_theories
161def _get_theory(**params):
162 # Default: user-provided theory
163 theory = params.get('theory')
164 if theory is not None:
165 return theory
167 # Check if the user passed a theory to xc
168 xc = params.get('xc')
169 if xc in _all_theories:
170 return xc
172 # Check for input blocks that correspond to a particular level of
173 # theory. Correlated theories (e.g. CCSD) are checked first.
174 for kw in _gto_theories:
175 if kw in params:
176 return kw
178 # If the user passed an 'nwpw' block, then they want a plane-wave
179 # calculation, but what kind? If they request k-points, then
180 # they want 'band', otherwise assume 'pspw' (if the user wants
181 # to use 'paw', they will have to ask for it specifically).
182 nwpw = params.get('nwpw')
183 if nwpw is not None:
184 if 'monkhorst-pack' in nwpw or 'brillouin_zone' in nwpw:
185 return 'band'
186 return 'pspw'
188 # When all else fails, default to dft.
189 return 'dft'
192_xc_conv = dict(lda='slater pw91lda',
193 pbe='xpbe96 cpbe96',
194 revpbe='revpbe cpbe96',
195 rpbe='rpbe cpbe96',
196 pw91='xperdew91 perdew91',
197 )
200def _update_mult(magmom_tot, **params):
201 theory = params['theory']
202 if magmom_tot == 0:
203 magmom_mult = 1
204 else:
205 magmom_mult = np.sign(magmom_tot) * (abs(magmom_tot) + 1)
206 if 'scf' in params:
207 for kw in ['nopen', 'singlet', 'doublet', 'triplet', 'quartet',
208 'quintet', 'sextet', 'septet', 'octet']:
209 if kw in params['scf']:
210 break
211 else:
212 params['scf']['nopen'] = magmom_tot
213 elif theory in ['scf', 'mp2', 'ccsd', 'tce']:
214 params['scf'] = dict(nopen=magmom_tot)
216 if 'dft' in params:
217 if 'mult' not in params['dft']:
218 params['dft']['mult'] = magmom_mult
219 elif theory in ['dft', 'tddft']:
220 params['dft'] = dict(mult=magmom_mult)
222 if 'nwpw' in params:
223 if 'mult' not in params['nwpw']:
224 params['nwpw']['mult'] = magmom_mult
225 elif theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
226 params['nwpw'] = dict(mult=magmom_mult)
228 return params
231def _get_kpts(atoms, **params):
232 """Converts top-level 'kpts' argument to native keywords"""
233 kpts = params.get('kpts')
234 if kpts is None:
235 return params
237 nwpw = params.get('nwpw', dict())
239 if 'monkhorst-pack' in nwpw or 'brillouin_zone' in nwpw:
240 raise ValueError("Redundant k-points specified!")
242 if isinstance(kpts, KPoints):
243 nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts.kpts
244 elif isinstance(kpts, dict):
245 if kpts.get('gamma', False) or 'size' not in kpts:
246 nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts2kpts(kpts, atoms).kpts
247 else:
248 nwpw['monkhorst-pack'] = ' '.join(map(str, kpts['size']))
249 elif isinstance(kpts, np.ndarray):
250 nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts
251 else:
252 nwpw['monkhorst-pack'] = ' '.join(map(str, kpts))
254 params['nwpw'] = nwpw
255 return params
258def write_nwchem_in(fd, atoms, properties=None, echo=False, **params):
259 """Writes NWChem input file.
261 Parameters
262 ----------
263 fd
264 file descriptor
265 atoms
266 atomic configuration
267 properties
268 list of properties to compute; by default only the
269 calculation of the energy is requested
270 echo
271 if True include the `echo` keyword at the top of the file,
272 which causes the content of the input file to be included
273 in the output file
274 params
275 dict of instructions blocks to be included
276 """
277 params = deepcopy(params)
279 if properties is None:
280 properties = ['energy']
282 if 'stress' in properties:
283 if 'set' not in params:
284 params['set'] = dict()
285 params['set']['includestress'] = True
287 task = params.get('task')
288 if task is None:
289 if 'stress' in properties or 'forces' in properties:
290 task = 'gradient'
291 else:
292 task = 'energy'
294 params = _get_kpts(atoms, **params)
296 theory = _get_theory(**params)
297 params['theory'] = theory
298 xc = params.get('xc')
299 if 'xc' in params:
300 xc = _xc_conv.get(params['xc'].lower(), params['xc'])
301 if theory in ['dft', 'tddft']:
302 if 'dft' not in params:
303 params['dft'] = dict()
304 params['dft']['xc'] = xc
305 elif theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
306 if 'nwpw' not in params:
307 params['nwpw'] = dict()
308 params['nwpw']['xc'] = xc
310 magmom_tot = int(atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().sum())
311 params = _update_mult(magmom_tot, **params)
313 label = params.get('label', 'nwchem')
314 perm = os.path.abspath(params.pop('perm', label))
315 scratch = os.path.abspath(params.pop('scratch', label))
316 restart_kw = params.get('restart_kw', 'start')
317 if restart_kw not in ('start', 'restart'):
318 raise ValueError("Unrecognised restart keyword: {}!"
319 .format(restart_kw))
320 short_label = label.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
321 if echo:
322 out = ['echo']
323 else:
324 out = []
325 out.extend(['title "{}"'.format(short_label),
326 'permanent_dir {}'.format(perm),
327 'scratch_dir {}'.format(scratch),
328 '{} {}'.format(restart_kw, short_label),
329 '\n'.join(_get_geom(atoms, **params)),
330 '\n'.join(_get_basis(**params)),
331 '\n'.join(_get_other(**params)),
332 '\n'.join(_get_set(**params.get('set', dict()))),
333 'task {} {}'.format(theory, task),
334 '\n'.join(_get_bandpath(params.get('bandpath', None)))])
336 fd.write('\n\n'.join(out))