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1"""Module to read and write atoms in xtl file format for the muSTEM software.
3See for a few examples of
4this format and the documentation of muSTEM.
6See for the source code of muSTEM.
9import numpy as np
11from ase.atoms import Atoms, symbols2numbers
12from import chemical_symbols
13from ase.utils import reader, writer
14from .utils import verify_cell_for_export, verify_dictionary
18def read_mustem(fd):
19 r"""Import muSTEM input file.
21 Reads cell, atom positions, etc. from muSTEM xtl file.
22 The mustem xtl save the root mean square (RMS) displacement, which is
23 convert to Debye-Waller (in Ų) factor by:
25 .. math::
27 B = RMS * 8\pi^2
29 """
30 from ase.geometry import cellpar_to_cell
32 # Read comment:
33 fd.readline()
35 # Parse unit cell parameter
36 cellpar = [float(i) for i in fd.readline().split()[:3]]
37 cell = cellpar_to_cell(cellpar)
39 # beam energy
40 fd.readline()
42 # Number of different type of atoms
43 element_number = int(fd.readline().strip())
45 # List of numpy arrays:
46 # length of the list = number of different atom type (element_number)
47 # length of each array = number of atoms for each atom type
48 atomic_numbers = []
49 positions = []
50 debye_waller_factors = []
51 occupancies = []
53 for i in range(element_number):
54 # Read the element
55 _ = fd.readline()
56 line = fd.readline().split()
57 atoms_number = int(line[0])
58 atomic_number = int(line[1])
59 occupancy = float(line[2])
60 DW = float(line[3]) * 8 * np.pi**2
61 # read all the position for each element
62 positions.append(np.genfromtxt(fname=fd, max_rows=atoms_number))
63 atomic_numbers.append(np.ones(atoms_number, dtype=int) * atomic_number)
64 occupancies.append(np.ones(atoms_number) * occupancy)
65 debye_waller_factors.append(np.ones(atoms_number) * DW)
67 positions = np.vstack(positions)
69 atoms = Atoms(cell=cell, scaled_positions=positions)
70 atoms.set_atomic_numbers(np.hstack(atomic_numbers))
71 atoms.set_array('occupancies', np.hstack(occupancies))
72 atoms.set_array('debye_waller_factors', np.hstack(debye_waller_factors))
74 return atoms
77class XtlmuSTEMWriter:
78 """See the docstring of the `write_mustem` function.
79 """
81 def __init__(self, atoms, keV, debye_waller_factors=None,
82 comment=None, occupancies=None, fit_cell_to_atoms=False):
83 verify_cell_for_export(atoms.get_cell())
85 self.atoms = atoms.copy()
86 self.atom_types = sorted(set(atoms.symbols))
87 self.keV = keV
88 self.comment = comment
89 self.occupancies = self._get_occupancies(occupancies)
90 self.RMS = self._get_RMS(debye_waller_factors)
92 self.numbers = symbols2numbers(self.atom_types)
93 if fit_cell_to_atoms:
94 self.atoms.translate(-self.atoms.positions.min(axis=0))
95 self.atoms.set_cell(self.atoms.positions.max(axis=0))
97 def _get_occupancies(self, occupancies):
98 if occupancies is None:
99 if 'occupancies' in self.atoms.arrays:
100 occupancies = {element:
101 self._parse_array_from_atoms(
102 'occupancies', element, True)
103 for element in self.atom_types}
104 else:
105 occupancies = 1.0
106 if np.isscalar(occupancies):
107 occupancies = {atom: occupancies for atom in self.atom_types}
108 elif isinstance(occupancies, dict):
109 verify_dictionary(self.atoms, occupancies, 'occupancies')
111 return occupancies
113 def _get_RMS(self, DW):
114 if DW is None:
115 if 'debye_waller_factors' in self.atoms.arrays:
116 DW = {element: self._parse_array_from_atoms(
117 'debye_waller_factors', element, True) / (8 * np.pi**2)
118 for element in self.atom_types}
119 elif np.isscalar(DW):
120 if len(self.atom_types) > 1:
121 raise ValueError('This cell contains more then one type of '
122 'atoms and the Debye-Waller factor needs to '
123 'be provided for each atom using a '
124 'dictionary.')
125 DW = {self.atom_types[0]: DW / (8 * np.pi**2)}
126 elif isinstance(DW, dict):
127 verify_dictionary(self.atoms, DW, 'debye_waller_factors')
128 for key, value in DW.items():
129 DW[key] = value / (8 * np.pi**2)
131 if DW is None:
132 raise ValueError('Missing Debye-Waller factors. It can be '
133 'provided as a dictionary with symbols as key or '
134 'if the cell contains only a single type of '
135 'element, the Debye-Waller factor can also be '
136 'provided as float.')
138 return DW
140 def _parse_array_from_atoms(self, name, element, check_same_value):
141 """
142 Return the array "name" for the given element.
144 Parameters
145 ----------
146 name : str
147 The name of the arrays. Can be any key of `atoms.arrays`
148 element : str, int
149 The element to be considered.
150 check_same_value : bool
151 Check if all values are the same in the array. Necessary for
152 'occupancies' and 'debye_waller_factors' arrays.
154 Returns
155 -------
156 array containing the values corresponding defined by "name" for the
157 given element. If check_same_value, return a single element.
159 """
160 if isinstance(element, str):
161 element = symbols2numbers(element)[0]
162 sliced_array = self.atoms.arrays[name][self.atoms.numbers == element]
164 if check_same_value:
165 # to write the occupancies and the Debye Waller factor of xtl file
166 # all the value must be equal
167 if np.unique(sliced_array).size > 1:
168 raise ValueError(
169 "All the '{}' values for element '{}' must be "
170 "equal.".format(name, chemical_symbols[element])
171 )
172 sliced_array = sliced_array[0]
174 return sliced_array
176 def _get_position_array_single_atom_type(self, number):
177 # Get the scaled (reduced) position for a single atom type
178 return self.atoms.get_scaled_positions()[
179 self.atoms.numbers == number]
181 def _get_file_header(self):
182 # 1st line: comment line
183 if self.comment is None:
184 s = "{0} atoms with chemical formula: {1}\n".format(
185 len(self.atoms),
186 self.atoms.get_chemical_formula())
187 else:
188 s = self.comment
189 # 2nd line: lattice parameter
190 s += "{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(
191 *self.atoms.cell.cellpar().tolist())
192 # 3td line: acceleration voltage
193 s += "{}\n".format(self.keV)
194 # 4th line: number of different atom
195 s += "{}\n".format(len(self.atom_types))
196 return s
198 def _get_element_header(self, atom_type, number, atom_type_number,
199 occupancy, RMS):
200 return "{0}\n{1} {2} {3} {4:.3g}\n".format(atom_type,
201 number,
202 atom_type_number,
203 occupancy,
204 RMS)
206 def _get_file_end(self):
207 return "Orientation\n 1 0 0\n 0 1 0\n 0 0 1\n"
209 def write_to_file(self, fd):
210 if isinstance(fd, str):
211 fd = open(fd, 'w')
213 fd.write(self._get_file_header())
214 for atom_type, number, occupancy in zip(self.atom_types,
215 self.numbers,
216 self.occupancies):
217 positions = self._get_position_array_single_atom_type(number)
218 atom_type_number = positions.shape[0]
219 fd.write(self._get_element_header(atom_type, atom_type_number,
220 number,
221 self.occupancies[atom_type],
222 self.RMS[atom_type]))
223 np.savetxt(fname=fd, X=positions, fmt='%.6g', newline='\n')
225 fd.write(self._get_file_end())
229def write_mustem(fd, *args, **kwargs):
230 r"""Write muSTEM input file.
232 Parameters:
234 atoms: Atoms object
236 keV: float
237 Energy of the electron beam in keV required for the image simulation.
239 debye_waller_factors: float or dictionary of float with atom type as key
240 Debye-Waller factor of each atoms. Since the prismatic/computem
241 software use root means square RMS) displacements, the Debye-Waller
242 factors (B) needs to be provided in Ų and these values are converted
243 to RMS displacement by:
245 .. math::
247 RMS = \frac{B}{8\pi^2}
249 occupancies: float or dictionary of float with atom type as key (optional)
250 Occupancy of each atoms. Default value is `1.0`.
252 comment: str (optional)
253 Comments to be written in the first line of the file. If not
254 provided, write the total number of atoms and the chemical formula.
256 fit_cell_to_atoms: bool (optional)
257 If `True`, fit the cell to the atoms positions. If negative coordinates
258 are present in the cell, the atoms are translated, so that all
259 positions are positive. If `False` (default), the atoms positions and
260 the cell are unchanged.
261 """
262 writer = XtlmuSTEMWriter(*args, **kwargs)
263 writer.write_to_file(fd)