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1"""Extension to ASE: read and write structures in GEN format
3Refer to DFTB+ manual for GEN format description.
5Note: GEN format only supports single snapshot.
8from ase.atoms import Atoms
9from ase.utils import reader, writer
13def read_gen(fileobj):
14 """Read structure in GEN format (refer to DFTB+ manual).
15 Multiple snapshot are not allowed. """
16 image = Atoms()
17 lines = fileobj.readlines()
18 line = lines[0].split()
19 natoms = int(line[0])
20 pb_flag = line[1]
21 if line[1] not in ['C', 'F', 'S']:
22 raise IOError('Error in line #1: only C (Cluster), S (Supercell) '
23 'or F (Fraction) are valid options')
25 # Read atomic symbols
26 line = lines[1].split()
27 # Define a dictionary with symbols-id
28 symboldict = dict()
29 symbolid = 1
30 for symb in line:
31 symboldict[symbolid] = symb
32 symbolid += 1
34 # Read atoms (GEN format supports only single snapshot)
35 del lines[:2]
36 positions = []
37 symbols = []
38 for line in lines[:natoms]:
39 dummy, symbolid, x, y, z = line.split()[:5]
40 symbols.append(symboldict[int(symbolid)])
41 positions.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)])
42 image = Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions)
43 del lines[:natoms]
45 # If Supercell, parse periodic vectors.
46 # If Fraction, translate into Supercell.
47 if pb_flag == 'C':
48 return image
49 else:
50 # Dummy line: line after atom positions is not uniquely defined
51 # in gen implementations, and not necessary in DFTB package
52 del lines[:1]
53 image.set_pbc([True, True, True])
54 p = []
55 for i in range(3):
56 x, y, z = lines[i].split()[:3]
57 p.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)])
58 image.set_cell([(p[0][0], p[0][1], p[0][2]),
59 (p[1][0], p[1][1], p[1][2]),
60 (p[2][0], p[2][1], p[2][2])])
61 if pb_flag == 'F':
62 frac_positions = image.get_positions()
63 image.set_scaled_positions(frac_positions)
64 return image
68def write_gen(fileobj, images):
69 """Write structure in GEN format (refer to DFTB+ manual).
70 Multiple snapshots are not allowed. """
71 if not isinstance(images, (list, tuple)):
72 images = [images]
74 # Images is kept in a list but a size > 0 is not allowed
75 # as GEN format doesn't support multiple snapshots.
76 # Images is used as a list for consistency with the other
77 # output modules
78 if len(images) != 1:
79 raise ValueError('images contains more than one structure\n' +
80 'GEN format supports only single snapshot output')
82 symbols = images[0].get_chemical_symbols()
84 # Define a dictionary with symbols-id
85 symboldict = dict()
86 for sym in symbols:
87 if not (sym in symboldict):
88 symboldict[sym] = len(symboldict) + 1
89 # An ordered symbol list is needed as ordered dictionary
90 # is just available in python 2.7
91 orderedsymbols = list(['null'] * len(symboldict.keys()))
92 for sym in symboldict.keys():
93 orderedsymbols[symboldict[sym] - 1] = sym
95 # Check whether the structure is periodic
96 # GEN cannot describe periodicity in one or two direction,
97 # a periodic structure is considered periodic in all the
98 # directions. If your structure is not periodical in all
99 # the directions, be sure you have set big periodicity
100 # vectors in the non-periodic directions
101 if images[0].pbc.any():
102 pb_flag = 'S'
103 else:
104 pb_flag = 'C'
106 natoms = len(symbols)
107 ind = 0
108 for atoms in images:
109 fileobj.write('%d %-5s\n' % (natoms, pb_flag))
110 for s in orderedsymbols:
111 fileobj.write('%-5s' % s)
112 fileobj.write('\n')
113 for sym, (x, y, z) in zip(symbols, atoms.get_positions()):
114 ind += 1
115 symbolid = symboldict[sym]
116 fileobj.write('%-6d %d %22.15f %22.15f %22.15f\n' % (ind,
117 symbolid, x, y, z))
118 if images[0].pbc.any():
119 fileobj.write('%22.15f %22.15f %22.15f \n' % (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
120 fileobj.write('%22.15f %22.15f %22.15f \n' %
121 (images[0].get_cell()[0][0],
122 images[0].get_cell()[0][1],
123 images[0].get_cell()[0][2]))
124 fileobj.write('%22.15f %22.15f %22.15f \n' %
125 (images[0].get_cell()[1][0],
126 images[0].get_cell()[1][1],
127 images[0].get_cell()[1][2]))
128 fileobj.write('%22.15f %22.15f %22.15f \n' %
129 (images[0].get_cell()[2][0],
130 images[0].get_cell()[2][1],
131 images[0].get_cell()[2][2]))