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1def write_findsym(fileobj, images):
2 symbols = images[0].get_chemical_symbols()
3 natoms = len(symbols)
5 for atoms in images:
6 formula = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
7 accuracy = 1.0e-4
9 # Write Comment
10 fileobj.write('%s\n' % formula)
11 fileobj.write('%f accuracy\n' % accuracy)
12 fileobj.write('1 vectors in cartesian coordinates\n')
14 # Write cartesian coordinates of vectors
15 for x, y, z in atoms.cell:
16 fileobj.write('%22.15f %22.15f %22.15f\n' % (x, y, z))
18 fileobj.write('1 no known centering\n')
20 fileobj.write('1 0 0 \n')
21 fileobj.write('0 1 0 \n')
22 fileobj.write('0 0 1 \n')
24 fileobj.write('%d\n' % natoms)
26 numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
27 for n in numbers:
28 fileobj.write('%d ' % (n))
30 fileobj.write('\n')
32 for x, y, z in atoms.get_positions():
33 fileobj.write('%22.15f %22.15f %22.15f\n' % (x, y, z))