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2Extended XYZ support
4Read/write files in "extended" XYZ format, storing additional
5per-configuration information as key-value pairs on the XYZ
6comment line, and additional per-atom properties as extra columns.
8Contributed by James Kermode <>
12from itertools import islice
13import re
14import warnings
15from io import StringIO, UnsupportedOperation
16import json
18import numpy as np
19import numbers
21from ase.atoms import Atoms
22from ase.calculators.calculator import all_properties, Calculator
23from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
24from ase.spacegroup.spacegroup import Spacegroup
25from ase.parallel import paropen
26from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixCartesian
27from import index2range
28from ase.utils import reader
30__all__ = ['read_xyz', 'write_xyz', 'iread_xyz']
32PROPERTY_NAME_MAP = {'positions': 'pos',
33 'numbers': 'Z',
34 'charges': 'charge',
35 'symbols': 'species'}
40KEY_QUOTED_VALUE = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_-]*)'
41 + r'\s*=\s*["\{\}]([^"\{\}]+)["\{\}]\s*')
42KEY_VALUE = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*='
43 + r'\s*([^\s]+)\s*')
44KEY_RE = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_-]*)\s*')
48SPECIAL_3_3_KEYS = ['Lattice', 'virial', 'stress']
50# partition ase.calculators.calculator.all_properties into two lists:
51# 'per-atom' and 'per-config'
52per_atom_properties = ['forces', 'stresses', 'charges', 'magmoms', 'energies']
53per_config_properties = ['energy', 'stress', 'dipole', 'magmom', 'free_energy']
56def key_val_str_to_dict(string, sep=None):
57 """
58 Parse an xyz properties string in a key=value and return a dict with
59 various values parsed to native types.
61 Accepts brackets or quotes to delimit values. Parses integers, floats
62 booleans and arrays thereof. Arrays with 9 values whose name is listed
63 in SPECIAL_3_3_KEYS are converted to 3x3 arrays with Fortran ordering.
65 If sep is None, string will split on whitespace, otherwise will split
66 key value pairs with the given separator.
68 """
69 # store the closing delimiters to match opening ones
70 delimiters = {
71 "'": "'",
72 '"': '"',
73 '{': '}',
74 '[': ']'
75 }
77 # Make pairs and process afterwards
78 kv_pairs = [
79 [[]]] # List of characters for each entry, add a new list for new value
80 cur_delimiter = None # push and pop closing delimiters
81 escaped = False # add escaped sequences verbatim
83 # parse character-by-character unless someone can do nested brackets
84 # and escape sequences in a regex
85 for char in string.strip():
86 if escaped: # bypass everything if escaped
87 kv_pairs[-1][-1].append(char)
88 escaped = False
89 elif char == '\\': # escape the next thing
90 escaped = True
91 elif cur_delimiter: # inside brackets
92 if char == cur_delimiter: # found matching delimiter
93 cur_delimiter = None
94 else:
95 kv_pairs[-1][-1].append(char) # inside quotes, add verbatim
96 elif char in delimiters:
97 cur_delimiter = delimiters[char] # brackets or quotes
98 elif (sep is None and char.isspace()) or char == sep:
99 if kv_pairs == [[[]]]: # empty, beginning of string
100 continue
101 elif kv_pairs[-1][-1] == []:
102 continue
103 else:
104 kv_pairs.append([[]])
105 elif char == '=':
106 if kv_pairs[-1] == [[]]:
107 del kv_pairs[-1]
108 kv_pairs[-1].append([]) # value
109 else:
110 kv_pairs[-1][-1].append(char)
112 kv_dict = {}
114 for kv_pair in kv_pairs:
115 if len(kv_pair) == 0: # empty line
116 continue
117 elif len(kv_pair) == 1: # default to True
118 key, value = ''.join(kv_pair[0]), 'T'
119 else: # Smush anything else with kv-splitter '=' between them
120 key, value = ''.join(kv_pair[0]), '='.join(
121 ''.join(x) for x in kv_pair[1:])
123 if key.lower() not in UNPROCESSED_KEYS:
124 # Try to convert to (arrays of) floats, ints
125 split_value = re.findall(r'[^\s,]+', value)
126 try:
127 try:
128 numvalue = np.array(split_value, dtype=int)
129 except (ValueError, OverflowError):
130 # don't catch errors here so it falls through to bool
131 numvalue = np.array(split_value, dtype=float)
132 if len(numvalue) == 1:
133 numvalue = numvalue[0] # Only one number
134 value = numvalue
135 except (ValueError, OverflowError):
136 pass # value is unchanged
138 # convert special 3x3 matrices
139 if key in SPECIAL_3_3_KEYS:
140 if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or value.shape != (9,):
141 raise ValueError("Got info item {}, expecting special 3x3 "
142 "matrix, but value is not in the form of "
143 "a 9-long numerical vector".format(key))
144 value = np.array(value).reshape((3, 3), order='F')
146 # parse special strings as boolean or JSON
147 if isinstance(value, str):
148 # Parse boolean values: 'T' -> True, 'F' -> False,
149 # 'T T F' -> [True, True, False]
150 str_to_bool = {'T': True, 'F': False}
152 try:
153 boolvalue = [str_to_bool[vpart] for vpart in
154 re.findall(r'[^\s,]+', value)]
155 if len(boolvalue) == 1:
156 value = boolvalue[0]
157 else:
158 value = boolvalue
159 except KeyError:
160 # parse JSON
161 if value.startswith("_JSON "):
162 d = json.loads(value.replace("_JSON ", "", 1))
163 value = np.array(d)
164 if value.dtype.kind not in ['i', 'f', 'b']:
165 value = d
167 kv_dict[key] = value
169 return kv_dict
172def key_val_str_to_dict_regex(s):
173 """
174 Parse strings in the form 'key1=value1 key2="quoted value"'
175 """
176 d = {}
177 s = s.strip()
178 while True:
179 # Match quoted string first, then fall through to plain key=value
180 m = KEY_QUOTED_VALUE.match(s)
181 if m is None:
182 m = KEY_VALUE.match(s)
183 if m is not None:
184 s = KEY_VALUE.sub('', s, 1)
185 else:
186 # Just a key with no value
187 m = KEY_RE.match(s)
188 if m is not None:
189 s = KEY_RE.sub('', s, 1)
190 else:
191 s = KEY_QUOTED_VALUE.sub('', s, 1)
193 if m is None:
194 break # No more matches
196 key =
197 try:
198 value =
199 except IndexError:
200 # default value is 'T' (True)
201 value = 'T'
203 if key.lower() not in UNPROCESSED_KEYS:
204 # Try to convert to (arrays of) floats, ints
205 try:
206 numvalue = []
207 for x in value.split():
208 if x.find('.') == -1:
209 numvalue.append(int(float(x)))
210 else:
211 numvalue.append(float(x))
212 if len(numvalue) == 1:
213 numvalue = numvalue[0] # Only one number
214 elif len(numvalue) == 9:
215 # special case: 3x3 matrix, fortran ordering
216 numvalue = np.array(numvalue).reshape((3, 3), order='F')
217 else:
218 numvalue = np.array(numvalue) # vector
219 value = numvalue
220 except (ValueError, OverflowError):
221 pass
223 # Parse boolean values: 'T' -> True, 'F' -> False,
224 # 'T T F' -> [True, True, False]
225 if isinstance(value, str):
226 str_to_bool = {'T': True, 'F': False}
228 if len(value.split()) > 1:
229 if all([x in str_to_bool.keys() for x in value.split()]):
230 value = [str_to_bool[x] for x in value.split()]
231 elif value in str_to_bool:
232 value = str_to_bool[value]
234 d[key] = value
236 return d
239def escape(string):
240 if (' ' in string or
241 '"' in string or "'" in string or
242 '{' in string or '}' in string or
243 '[' in string or ']' in string):
244 string = string.replace('"', '\\"')
245 string = '"%s"' % string
246 return string
249def key_val_dict_to_str(dct, sep=' '):
250 """
251 Convert dictionary to extended XYZ string representation
252 """
254 def array_to_string(key, val):
255 # some ndarrays are special (special 3x3 keys, and scalars/vectors of
256 # numbers or bools), handle them here
257 if key in SPECIAL_3_3_KEYS:
258 # special 3x3 matrix, flatten in Fortran order
259 val = val.reshape(val.size, order='F')
260 if val.dtype.kind in ['i', 'f', 'b']:
261 # numerical or bool scalars/vectors are special, for backwards
262 # compat.
263 if len(val.shape) == 0:
264 # scalar
265 val = str(known_types_to_str(val))
266 elif len(val.shape) == 1:
267 # vector
268 val = ' '.join(str(known_types_to_str(v)) for v in val)
269 return val
271 def known_types_to_str(val):
272 if isinstance(val, bool) or isinstance(val, np.bool_):
273 return 'T' if val else 'F'
274 elif isinstance(val, numbers.Real):
275 return '{}'.format(val)
276 elif isinstance(val, Spacegroup):
277 return val.symbol
278 else:
279 return val
281 if len(dct) == 0:
282 return ''
284 string = ''
285 for key in dct:
286 val = dct[key]
288 if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
289 val = array_to_string(key, val)
290 else:
291 # convert any known types to string
292 val = known_types_to_str(val)
294 if val is not None and not isinstance(val, str):
295 # what's left is an object, try using JSON
296 if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
297 val = val.tolist()
298 try:
299 val = '_JSON ' + json.dumps(val)
300 # if this fails, let give up
301 except TypeError:
302 warnings.warn('Skipping unhashable information '
303 '{0}'.format(key))
304 continue
306 key = escape(key) # escape and quote key
307 eq = "="
308 # Should this really be setting empty value that's going to be
309 # interpreted as bool True?
310 if val is None:
311 val = ""
312 eq = ""
313 val = escape(val) # escape and quote val
315 string += '%s%s%s%s' % (key, eq, val, sep)
317 return string.strip()
320def parse_properties(prop_str):
321 """
322 Parse extended XYZ properties format string
324 Format is "[NAME:TYPE:NCOLS]...]", e.g. "species:S:1:pos:R:3".
325 NAME is the name of the property.
326 TYPE is one of R, I, S, L for real, integer, string and logical.
327 NCOLS is number of columns for that property.
328 """
330 properties = {}
331 properties_list = []
332 dtypes = []
333 converters = []
335 fields = prop_str.split(':')
337 def parse_bool(x):
338 """
339 Parse bool to string
340 """
341 return {'T': True, 'F': False,
342 'True': True, 'False': False}.get(x)
344 fmt_map = {'R': ('d', float),
345 'I': ('i', int),
346 'S': (object, str),
347 'L': ('bool', parse_bool)}
349 for name, ptype, cols in zip(fields[::3],
350 fields[1::3],
351 [int(x) for x in fields[2::3]]):
352 if ptype not in ('R', 'I', 'S', 'L'):
353 raise ValueError('Unknown property type: ' + ptype)
354 ase_name = REV_PROPERTY_NAME_MAP.get(name, name)
356 dtype, converter = fmt_map[ptype]
357 if cols == 1:
358 dtypes.append((name, dtype))
359 converters.append(converter)
360 else:
361 for c in range(cols):
362 dtypes.append((name + str(c), dtype))
363 converters.append(converter)
365 properties[name] = (ase_name, cols)
366 properties_list.append(name)
368 dtype = np.dtype(dtypes)
369 return properties, properties_list, dtype, converters
372def _read_xyz_frame(lines, natoms, properties_parser=key_val_str_to_dict,
373 nvec=0):
374 # comment line
375 line = next(lines).strip()
376 if nvec > 0:
377 info = {'comment': line}
378 else:
379 info = properties_parser(line) if line else {}
381 pbc = None
382 if 'pbc' in info:
383 pbc = info['pbc']
384 del info['pbc']
385 elif 'Lattice' in info:
386 # default pbc for extxyz file containing Lattice
387 # is True in all directions
388 pbc = [True, True, True]
389 elif nvec > 0:
390 # cell information given as pseudo-Atoms
391 pbc = [False, False, False]
393 cell = None
394 if 'Lattice' in info:
395 # NB: ASE cell is transpose of extended XYZ lattice
396 cell = info['Lattice'].T
397 del info['Lattice']
398 elif nvec > 0:
399 # cell information given as pseudo-Atoms
400 cell = np.zeros((3, 3))
402 if 'Properties' not in info:
403 # Default set of properties is atomic symbols and positions only
404 info['Properties'] = 'species:S:1:pos:R:3'
405 properties, names, dtype, convs = parse_properties(info['Properties'])
406 del info['Properties']
408 data = []
409 for ln in range(natoms):
410 try:
411 line = next(lines)
412 except StopIteration:
413 raise XYZError(' Frame has {} atoms, expected {}'
414 .format(len(data), natoms))
415 vals = line.split()
416 row = tuple([conv(val) for conv, val in zip(convs, vals)])
417 data.append(row)
419 try:
420 data = np.array(data, dtype)
421 except TypeError:
422 raise XYZError('Badly formatted data '
423 'or end of file reached before end of frame')
425 # Read VEC entries if present
426 if nvec > 0:
427 for ln in range(nvec):
428 try:
429 line = next(lines)
430 except StopIteration:
431 raise XYZError(' Frame has {} cell vectors, '
432 'expected {}'.format(len(cell), nvec))
433 entry = line.split()
435 if not entry[0].startswith('VEC'):
436 raise XYZError('Expected cell vector, got {}'.format(entry[0]))
438 try:
439 n = int(entry[0][3:])
440 except ValueError as e:
441 raise XYZError('Expected VEC{}, got VEC{}'
442 .format(ln + 1, entry[0][3:])) from e
443 if n != ln + 1:
444 raise XYZError('Expected VEC{}, got VEC{}'
445 .format(ln + 1, n))
447 cell[ln] = np.array([float(x) for x in entry[1:]])
448 pbc[ln] = True
449 if nvec != pbc.count(True):
450 raise XYZError('Problem with number of cell vectors')
451 pbc = tuple(pbc)
453 arrays = {}
454 for name in names:
455 ase_name, cols = properties[name]
456 if cols == 1:
457 value = data[name]
458 else:
459 value = np.vstack([data[name + str(c)]
460 for c in range(cols)]).T
461 arrays[ase_name] = value
463 symbols = None
464 if 'symbols' in arrays:
465 symbols = [s.capitalize() for s in arrays['symbols']]
466 del arrays['symbols']
468 numbers = None
469 duplicate_numbers = None
470 if 'numbers' in arrays:
471 if symbols is None:
472 numbers = arrays['numbers']
473 else:
474 duplicate_numbers = arrays['numbers']
475 del arrays['numbers']
477 charges = None
478 if 'charges' in arrays:
479 charges = arrays['charges']
480 del arrays['charges']
482 positions = None
483 if 'positions' in arrays:
484 positions = arrays['positions']
485 del arrays['positions']
487 atoms = Atoms(symbols=symbols,
488 positions=positions,
489 numbers=numbers,
490 charges=charges,
491 cell=cell,
492 pbc=pbc,
493 info=info)
495 # Read and set constraints
496 if 'move_mask' in arrays:
497 if properties['move_mask'][1] == 3:
498 cons = []
499 for a in range(natoms):
500 cons.append(FixCartesian(a, mask=~arrays['move_mask'][a, :]))
501 atoms.set_constraint(cons)
502 elif properties['move_mask'][1] == 1:
503 atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(mask=~arrays['move_mask']))
504 else:
505 raise XYZError('Not implemented constraint')
506 del arrays['move_mask']
508 for name, array in arrays.items():
509 atoms.new_array(name, array)
511 if duplicate_numbers is not None:
512 atoms.set_atomic_numbers(duplicate_numbers)
514 # Load results of previous calculations into SinglePointCalculator
515 results = {}
516 for key in list(
517 if key in per_config_properties:
518 results[key] =[key]
519 # special case for stress- convert to Voigt 6-element form
520 if key == 'stress' and results[key].shape == (3, 3):
521 stress = results[key]
522 stress = np.array([stress[0, 0],
523 stress[1, 1],
524 stress[2, 2],
525 stress[1, 2],
526 stress[0, 2],
527 stress[0, 1]])
528 results[key] = stress
529 for key in list(atoms.arrays.keys()):
530 if (key in per_atom_properties and len(value.shape) >= 1
531 and value.shape[0] == len(atoms)):
532 results[key] = atoms.arrays[key]
533 if results != {}:
534 calculator = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **results)
535 atoms.calc = calculator
536 return atoms
539class XYZError(IOError):
540 pass
543class XYZChunk:
544 def __init__(self, lines, natoms):
545 self.lines = lines
546 self.natoms = natoms
548 def build(self):
549 """Convert unprocessed chunk into Atoms."""
550 return _read_xyz_frame(iter(self.lines), self.natoms)
553def ixyzchunks(fd):
554 """Yield unprocessed chunks (header, lines) for each xyz image."""
555 while True:
556 line = next(fd).strip() # Raises StopIteration on empty file
557 try:
558 natoms = int(line)
559 except ValueError:
560 raise XYZError('Expected integer, found "{0}"'.format(line))
561 try:
562 lines = [next(fd) for _ in range(1 + natoms)]
563 except StopIteration:
564 raise XYZError('Incomplete XYZ chunk')
565 yield XYZChunk(lines, natoms)
568class ImageIterator:
569 """"""
571 def __init__(self, ichunks):
572 self.ichunks = ichunks
574 def __call__(self, fd, indices=-1):
575 if not hasattr(indices, 'start'):
576 if indices < 0:
577 indices = slice(indices - 1, indices)
578 else:
579 indices = slice(indices, indices + 1)
581 for chunk in self._getslice(fd, indices):
582 yield
584 def _getslice(self, fd, indices):
585 try:
586 iterator = islice(self.ichunks(fd), indices.start, indices.stop,
587 indices.step)
588 except ValueError:
589 # Negative indices. Go through the whole thing to get the length,
590 # which allows us to evaluate the slice, and then read it again
591 startpos = fd.tell()
592 nchunks = 0
593 for chunk in self.ichunks(fd):
594 nchunks += 1
596 indices_tuple = indices.indices(nchunks)
597 iterator = islice(self.ichunks(fd), *indices_tuple)
598 return iterator
601iread_xyz = ImageIterator(ixyzchunks)
605def read_xyz(fileobj, index=-1, properties_parser=key_val_str_to_dict):
606 r"""
607 Read from a file in Extended XYZ format
609 index is the frame to read, default is last frame (index=-1).
610 properties_parser is the parse to use when converting the properties line
611 to a dictionary, ``extxyz.key_val_str_to_dict`` is the default and can
612 deal with most use cases, ``extxyz.key_val_str_to_dict_regex`` is slightly
613 faster but has fewer features.
615 Extended XYZ format is an enhanced version of the `basic XYZ format
616 <>`_ that allows extra
617 columns to be present in the file for additonal per-atom properties as
618 well as standardising the format of the comment line to include the
619 cell lattice and other per-frame parameters.
621 It's easiest to describe the format with an example. Here is a
622 standard XYZ file containing a bulk cubic 8 atom silicon cell ::
624 8
625 Cubic bulk silicon cell
626 Si 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
627 Si 1.36000000 1.36000000 1.36000000
628 Si 2.72000000 2.72000000 0.00000000
629 Si 4.08000000 4.08000000 1.36000000
630 Si 2.72000000 0.00000000 2.72000000
631 Si 4.08000000 1.36000000 4.08000000
632 Si 0.00000000 2.72000000 2.72000000
633 Si 1.36000000 4.08000000 4.08000000
635 The first line is the number of atoms, followed by a comment and
636 then one line per atom, giving the element symbol and cartesian
637 x y, and z coordinates in Angstroms.
639 Here's the same configuration in extended XYZ format ::
641 8
642 Lattice="5.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.44" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3 Time=0.0
643 Si 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
644 Si 1.36000000 1.36000000 1.36000000
645 Si 2.72000000 2.72000000 0.00000000
646 Si 4.08000000 4.08000000 1.36000000
647 Si 2.72000000 0.00000000 2.72000000
648 Si 4.08000000 1.36000000 4.08000000
649 Si 0.00000000 2.72000000 2.72000000
650 Si 1.36000000 4.08000000 4.08000000
652 In extended XYZ format, the comment line is replaced by a series of
653 key/value pairs. The keys should be strings and values can be
654 integers, reals, logicals (denoted by `T` and `F` for true and false)
655 or strings. Quotes are required if a value contains any spaces (like
656 `Lattice` above). There are two mandatory parameters that any
657 extended XYZ: `Lattice` and `Properties`. Other parameters --
658 e.g. `Time` in the example above --- can be added to the parameter line
659 as needed.
661 `Lattice` is a Cartesian 3x3 matrix representation of the cell
662 vectors, with each vector stored as a column and the 9 values listed in
663 Fortran column-major order, i.e. in the form ::
665 Lattice="R1x R1y R1z R2x R2y R2z R3x R3y R3z"
667 where `R1x R1y R1z` are the Cartesian x-, y- and z-components of the
668 first lattice vector (:math:`\mathbf{a}`), `R2x R2y R2z` those of the second
669 lattice vector (:math:`\mathbf{b}`) and `R3x R3y R3z` those of the
670 third lattice vector (:math:`\mathbf{c}`).
672 The list of properties in the file is described by the `Properties`
673 parameter, which should take the form of a series of colon separated
674 triplets giving the name, format (`R` for real, `I` for integer) and
675 number of columns of each property. For example::
677 Properties="species:S:1:pos:R:3:vel:R:3:select:I:1"
679 indicates the first column represents atomic species, the next three
680 columns represent atomic positions, the next three velcoities, and the
681 last is an single integer called `select`. With this property
682 definition, the line ::
684 Si 4.08000000 4.08000000 1.36000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1
686 would describe a silicon atom at position (4.08,4.08,1.36) with zero
687 velocity and the `select` property set to 1.
689 The property names `pos`, `Z`, `mass`, and `charge` map to ASE
690 :attr:`ase.atoms.Atoms.arrays` entries named
691 `positions`, `numbers`, `masses` and `charges` respectively.
693 Additional key-value pairs in the comment line are parsed into the
694 :attr:`` dictionary, with the following conventions
696 - Values can be quoted with `""`, `''`, `[]` or `{}` (the latter are
697 included to ease command-line usage as the `{}` are not treated
698 specially by the shell)
699 - Quotes within keys or values can be escaped with `\"`.
700 - Keys with special names `stress` or `virial` are treated as 3x3 matrices
701 in Fortran order, as for `Lattice` above.
702 - Otherwise, values with multiple elements are treated as 1D arrays, first
703 assuming integer format and falling back to float if conversion is
704 unsuccessful.
705 - A missing value defaults to `True`, e.g. the comment line
706 `"cutoff=3.4 have_energy"` leads to
707 `{'cutoff': 3.4, 'have_energy': True}` in ``.
708 - Value strings starting with `"_JSON"` are interpreted as JSON content;
709 similarly, when writing, anything which does not match the criteria above
710 is serialised as JSON.
712 The extended XYZ format is also supported by the
713 the `Ovito <>`_ visualisation tool
714 (from `v2.4 beta
715 <>`_
716 onwards).
717 """ # noqa: E501
719 if not isinstance(index, int) and not isinstance(index, slice):
720 raise TypeError('Index argument is neither slice nor integer!')
722 # If possible, build a partial index up to the last frame required
723 last_frame = None
724 if isinstance(index, int) and index >= 0:
725 last_frame = index
726 elif isinstance(index, slice):
727 if index.stop is not None and index.stop >= 0:
728 last_frame = index.stop
730 # scan through file to find where the frames start
731 try:
733 except UnsupportedOperation:
734 fileobj = StringIO(
736 frames = []
737 while True:
738 frame_pos = fileobj.tell()
739 line = fileobj.readline()
740 if line.strip() == '':
741 break
742 try:
743 natoms = int(line)
744 except ValueError as err:
745 raise XYZError(' Expected xyz header but got: {}'
746 .format(err))
747 fileobj.readline() # read comment line
748 for i in range(natoms):
749 fileobj.readline()
750 # check for VEC
751 nvec = 0
752 while True:
753 lastPos = fileobj.tell()
754 line = fileobj.readline()
755 if line.lstrip().startswith('VEC'):
756 nvec += 1
757 if nvec > 3:
758 raise XYZError(' More than 3 VECX entries')
759 else:
761 break
762 frames.append((frame_pos, natoms, nvec))
763 if last_frame is not None and len(frames) > last_frame:
764 break
766 trbl = index2range(index, len(frames))
768 for index in trbl:
769 frame_pos, natoms, nvec = frames[index]
771 # check for consistency with frame index table
772 assert int(fileobj.readline()) == natoms
773 yield _read_xyz_frame(fileobj, natoms, properties_parser, nvec)
776def output_column_format(atoms, columns, arrays,
777 write_info=True, results=None):
778 """
779 Helper function to build extended XYZ comment line
780 """
781 fmt_map = {'d': ('R', '%16.8f'),
782 'f': ('R', '%16.8f'),
783 'i': ('I', '%8d'),
784 'O': ('S', '%s'),
785 'S': ('S', '%s'),
786 'U': ('S', '%-2s'),
787 'b': ('L', ' %.1s')}
789 # NB: Lattice is stored as tranpose of ASE cell,
790 # with Fortran array ordering
791 lattice_str = ('Lattice="'
792 + ' '.join([str(x) for x in np.reshape(atoms.cell.T,
793 9, order='F')]) +
794 '"')
796 property_names = []
797 property_types = []
798 property_ncols = []
799 dtypes = []
800 formats = []
802 for column in columns:
803 array = arrays[column]
804 dtype = array.dtype
806 property_name = PROPERTY_NAME_MAP.get(column, column)
807 property_type, fmt = fmt_map[dtype.kind]
808 property_names.append(property_name)
809 property_types.append(property_type)
811 if (len(array.shape) == 1
812 or (len(array.shape) == 2 and array.shape[1] == 1)):
813 ncol = 1
814 dtypes.append((column, dtype))
815 else:
816 ncol = array.shape[1]
817 for c in range(ncol):
818 dtypes.append((column + str(c), dtype))
820 formats.extend([fmt] * ncol)
821 property_ncols.append(ncol)
823 props_str = ':'.join([':'.join(x) for x in
824 zip(property_names,
825 property_types,
826 [str(nc) for nc in property_ncols])])
828 comment_str = ''
829 if atoms.cell.any():
830 comment_str += lattice_str + ' '
831 comment_str += 'Properties={}'.format(props_str)
833 info = {}
834 if write_info:
835 info.update(
836 if results is not None:
837 info.update(results)
838 info['pbc'] = atoms.get_pbc() # always save periodic boundary conditions
839 comment_str += ' ' + key_val_dict_to_str(info)
841 dtype = np.dtype(dtypes)
842 fmt = ' '.join(formats) + '\n'
844 return comment_str, property_ncols, dtype, fmt
847def write_xyz(fileobj, images, comment='', columns=None,
848 write_info=True,
849 write_results=True, plain=False, vec_cell=False,
850 append=False):
851 """
852 Write output in extended XYZ format
854 Optionally, specify which columns (arrays) to include in output,
855 whether to write the contents of the `` dict to the
856 XYZ comment line (default is True), the results of any
857 calculator attached to this Atoms. The `plain` argument
858 can be used to write a simple XYZ file with no additional information.
859 `vec_cell` can be used to write the cell vectors as additional
860 pseudo-atoms. If `append` is set to True, the file is for append (mode `a`),
861 otherwise it is overwritten (mode `w`).
863 See documentation for :func:`read_xyz()` for further details of the extended
864 XYZ file format.
865 """
866 if isinstance(fileobj, str):
867 mode = 'w'
868 if append:
869 mode = 'a'
870 fileobj = paropen(fileobj, mode)
872 if hasattr(images, 'get_positions'):
873 images = [images]
875 for atoms in images:
876 natoms = len(atoms)
878 if columns is None:
879 fr_cols = None
880 else:
881 fr_cols = columns[:]
883 if fr_cols is None:
884 fr_cols = (['symbols', 'positions']
885 + [key for key in atoms.arrays.keys() if
886 key not in ['symbols', 'positions', 'numbers',
887 'species', 'pos']])
889 if vec_cell:
890 plain = True
892 if plain:
893 fr_cols = ['symbols', 'positions']
894 write_info = False
895 write_results = False
897 per_frame_results = {}
898 per_atom_results = {}
899 if write_results:
900 calculator = atoms.calc
901 if (calculator is not None
902 and isinstance(calculator, Calculator)):
903 for key in all_properties:
904 value = calculator.results.get(key, None)
905 if value is None:
906 # skip missing calculator results
907 continue
908 if (key in per_atom_properties and len(value.shape) >= 1
909 and value.shape[0] == len(atoms)):
910 # per-atom quantities (forces, energies, stresses)
911 per_atom_results[key] = value
912 elif key in per_config_properties:
913 # per-frame quantities (energy, stress)
914 # special case for stress, which should be converted
915 # to 3x3 matrices before writing
916 if key == 'stress':
917 xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy = value
918 value = np.array(
919 [(xx, xy, xz), (xy, yy, yz), (xz, yz, zz)])
920 per_frame_results[key] = value
922 # Move symbols and positions to first two properties
923 if 'symbols' in fr_cols:
924 i = fr_cols.index('symbols')
925 fr_cols[0], fr_cols[i] = fr_cols[i], fr_cols[0]
927 if 'positions' in fr_cols:
928 i = fr_cols.index('positions')
929 fr_cols[1], fr_cols[i] = fr_cols[i], fr_cols[1]
931 # Check first column "looks like" atomic symbols
932 if fr_cols[0] in atoms.arrays:
933 symbols = atoms.arrays[fr_cols[0]]
934 else:
935 symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
937 if natoms > 0 and not isinstance(symbols[0], str):
938 raise ValueError('First column must be symbols-like')
940 # Check second column "looks like" atomic positions
941 pos = atoms.arrays[fr_cols[1]]
942 if pos.shape != (natoms, 3) or pos.dtype.kind != 'f':
943 raise ValueError('Second column must be position-like')
945 # if vec_cell add cell information as pseudo-atoms
946 if vec_cell:
947 pbc = list(atoms.get_pbc())
948 cell = atoms.get_cell()
950 if True in pbc:
951 nPBC = 0
952 for i, b in enumerate(pbc):
953 if b:
954 nPBC += 1
955 symbols.append('VEC' + str(nPBC))
956 pos = np.vstack((pos, cell[i]))
957 # add to natoms
958 natoms += nPBC
959 if pos.shape != (natoms, 3) or pos.dtype.kind != 'f':
960 raise ValueError(
961 'Pseudo Atoms containing cell have bad coords')
963 # Move mask
964 if 'move_mask' in fr_cols:
965 cnstr = images[0]._get_constraints()
966 if len(cnstr) > 0:
967 c0 = cnstr[0]
968 if isinstance(c0, FixAtoms):
969 cnstr = np.ones((natoms,), dtype=bool)
970 for idx in c0.index:
971 cnstr[idx] = False
972 elif isinstance(c0, FixCartesian):
973 masks = np.ones((natoms, 3), dtype=bool)
974 for i in range(len(cnstr)):
975 idx = cnstr[i].a
976 masks[idx] = cnstr[i].mask
977 cnstr = masks
978 else:
979 fr_cols.remove('move_mask')
981 # Collect data to be written out
982 arrays = {}
983 for column in fr_cols:
984 if column == 'positions':
985 arrays[column] = pos
986 elif column in atoms.arrays:
987 arrays[column] = atoms.arrays[column]
988 elif column == 'symbols':
989 arrays[column] = np.array(symbols)
990 elif column == 'move_mask':
991 arrays[column] = cnstr
992 else:
993 raise ValueError('Missing array "%s"' % column)
995 if write_results:
996 for key in per_atom_results:
997 if key not in fr_cols:
998 fr_cols += [key]
999 else:
1000 warnings.warn('write_xyz() overwriting array "{0}" present '
1001 'in atoms.arrays with stored results '
1002 'from calculator'.format(key))
1003 arrays.update(per_atom_results)
1005 comm, ncols, dtype, fmt = output_column_format(atoms,
1006 fr_cols,
1007 arrays,
1008 write_info,
1009 per_frame_results)
1011 if plain or comment != '':
1012 # override key/value pairs with user-speficied comment string
1013 comm = comment.rstrip()
1014 if '\n' in comm:
1015 raise ValueError('Comment line should not have line breaks.')
1017 # Pack fr_cols into record array
1018 data = np.zeros(natoms, dtype)
1019 for column, ncol in zip(fr_cols, ncols):
1020 value = arrays[column]
1021 if ncol == 1:
1022 data[column] = np.squeeze(value)
1023 else:
1024 for c in range(ncol):
1025 data[column + str(c)] = value[:, c]
1027 nat = natoms
1028 if vec_cell:
1029 nat -= nPBC
1030 # Write the output
1031 fileobj.write('%d\n' % nat)
1032 fileobj.write('%s\n' % comm)
1033 for i in range(natoms):
1034 fileobj.write(fmt % tuple(data[i]))
1037# create aliases for read/write functions
1038read_extxyz = read_xyz
1039write_extxyz = write_xyz