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1from io import BytesIO
2from import iread, write
5def to_bytes(images, format=None, **kwargs):
6 """Convert atoms or multiple atoms objects to bytes."""
7 buf = _to_buffer(images, format=format, **kwargs)
8 btxt = buf.getvalue()
9 return btxt
12def _to_buffer(images, format=None, **kwargs):
13 buf = BytesIO()
14 write(buf, images, format=format, **kwargs)
16 return buf
19def parse_images(data, format=None, **kwargs):
20 """Parse string or bytes into list of atoms objects."""
21 buf = BytesIO(data)
22 images = list(iread(buf, format=format, **kwargs))
23 return images
26def parse_atoms(data, format=None, **kwargs):
27 images = parse_images(data, format=format, index=-1, **kwargs)
28 assert len(images) == 1
29 return images[0]