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1from math import sqrt
3import numpy as np
5from ase import Atoms
6from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
7from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
8from import covalent_radii
9from ase.gui.defaults import read_defaults
10from import read, write, string2index
11from ase.gui.i18n import _
12from ase.geometry import find_mic
14import warnings
17class Images:
18 def __init__(self, images=None):
19 self.covalent_radii = covalent_radii.copy()
20 self.config = read_defaults()
21 self.atom_scale = self.config['radii_scale']
22 if images is None:
23 images = [Atoms()]
24 self.initialize(images)
26 def __len__(self):
27 return len(self._images)
29 def __getitem__(self, index):
30 return self._images[index]
32 def __iter__(self):
33 return iter(self._images)
35 # XXXXXXX hack
36 # compatibility hacks while allowing variable number of atoms
37 def get_dynamic(self, atoms):
38 dynamic = np.ones(len(atoms), bool)
39 for constraint in atoms.constraints:
40 if isinstance(constraint, FixAtoms):
41 dynamic[constraint.index] = False
42 return dynamic
44 def set_dynamic(self, mask, value):
45 # Does not make much sense if different images have different
46 # atom counts. Attempts to apply mask to all images,
47 # to the extent possible.
48 for atoms in self:
49 dynamic = self.get_dynamic(atoms)
50 dynamic[mask[:len(atoms)]] = value
51 atoms.constraints = [c for c in atoms.constraints
52 if not isinstance(c, FixAtoms)]
53 atoms.constraints.append(FixAtoms(mask=~dynamic))
55 def scale_radii(self, scaling_factor):
56 self.covalent_radii *= scaling_factor
58 def get_energy(self, atoms):
59 try:
60 e = atoms.get_potential_energy() *
61 except RuntimeError:
62 e = np.nan
63 return e
65 def get_forces(self, atoms):
66 try:
67 F = atoms.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
68 except RuntimeError:
69 return None
70 else:
71 return F
73 def initialize(self, images, filenames=None):
74 nimages = len(images)
75 if filenames is None:
76 filenames = [None] * nimages
77 self.filenames = filenames
79 # The below seems to be about "quaternions"
80 if 0: # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX hasattr(images[0], 'get_shapes'):
81 self.Q = np.empty((nimages, self.natoms, 4))
82 self.shapes = images[0].get_shapes()
83 import os as os
84 if os.path.exists('shapes'):
85 shapesfile = open('shapes')
86 lines = shapesfile.readlines()
87 shapesfile.close()
88 if '#{type:(shape_x,shape_y,shape_z), .....,}' in lines[0]:
89 shape = eval(lines[1])
90 shapes = []
91 for an in images[0].get_atomic_numbers():
92 shapes.append(shape[an])
93 self.shapes = np.array(shapes)
94 else:
95 print('shape file has wrong format')
96 else:
97 print('no shapesfile found: default shapes were used!')
99 else:
100 self.shapes = None
102 warning = False
104 self._images = []
106 # Whether length or chemical composition changes:
107 self.have_varying_species = False
108 for i, atoms in enumerate(images):
109 # copy atoms or not? Not copying allows back-editing,
110 # but copying actually forgets things like the attached
111 # calculator (might have forces/energies
112 self._images.append(atoms)
113 self.have_varying_species |= not np.array_equal(self[0].numbers,
114 atoms.numbers)
115 if hasattr(self, 'Q'):
116 assert False # XXX askhl fix quaternions
117 self.Q[i] = atoms.get_quaternions()
118 if (atoms.pbc != self[0].pbc).any():
119 warning = True
121 if warning:
122 import warnings
123 warnings.warn('Not all images have the same boundary conditions!')
125 self.maxnatoms = max(len(atoms) for atoms in self)
126 self.selected = np.zeros(self.maxnatoms, bool)
127 self.selected_ordered = []
128 self.visible = np.ones(self.maxnatoms, bool)
129 self.repeat = np.ones(3, int)
131 def get_radii(self, atoms):
132 radii = np.array([self.covalent_radii[z] for z in atoms.numbers])
133 radii *= self.atom_scale
134 return radii
136 def read(self, filenames, default_index=':', filetype=None):
137 if isinstance(default_index, str):
138 default_index = string2index(default_index)
140 images = []
141 names = []
142 for filename in filenames:
143 from import parse_filename
145 if '@' in filename and 'postgres' not in filename or \
146 'postgres' in filename and filename.count('@') == 2:
147 actual_filename, index = parse_filename(filename, None)
148 else:
149 actual_filename, index = parse_filename(filename,
150 default_index)
152 # Read from stdin:
153 if filename == '-':
154 import sys
155 from io import BytesIO
156 buf = BytesIO(
158 filename = buf
159 filetype = 'traj'
161 imgs = read(filename, index, filetype)
162 if hasattr(imgs, 'iterimages'):
163 imgs = list(imgs.iterimages())
165 images.extend(imgs)
167 # Name each file as filename@index:
168 if isinstance(index, slice):
169 start = index.start or 0
170 step = index.step or 1
171 else:
172 start = index
173 step = 1
174 for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
175 if isinstance(start, int):
176 names.append('{}@{}'.format(
177 actual_filename, start + i * step))
178 else:
179 names.append('{}@{}'.format(actual_filename, start))
181 self.initialize(images, names)
183 def repeat_results(self, atoms, repeat=None, oldprod=None):
184 """Return a dictionary which updates the magmoms, energy and forces
185 to the repeated amount of atoms.
186 """
187 def getresult(name, get_quantity):
188 # ase/io/ line 170 does this by using
189 # the get_property(prop, atoms, allow_calculation=False)
190 # so that is an alternative option.
191 try:
192 if (not atoms.calc or
193 atoms.calc.calculation_required(atoms, [name])):
194 quantity = None
195 else:
196 quantity = get_quantity()
197 except Exception as err:
198 quantity = None
199 errmsg = ('An error occurred while retrieving {} '
200 'from the calculator: {}'.format(name, err))
201 warnings.warn(errmsg)
202 return quantity
204 if repeat is None:
205 repeat =
206 if oldprod is None:
207 oldprod =
209 results = {}
211 original_length = len(atoms) // oldprod
212 newprod =
214 # Read the old properties
215 magmoms = getresult('magmoms', atoms.get_magnetic_moments)
216 magmom = getresult('magmom', atoms.get_magnetic_moment)
217 energy = getresult('energy', atoms.get_potential_energy)
218 forces = getresult('forces', atoms.get_forces)
220 # Update old properties to the repeated image
221 if magmoms is not None:
222 magmoms = np.tile(magmoms[:original_length], newprod)
223 results['magmoms'] = magmoms
225 if magmom is not None:
226 magmom = magmom * newprod / oldprod
227 results['magmom'] = magmom
229 if forces is not None:
230 forces = np.tile(forces[:original_length].T, newprod).T
231 results['forces'] = forces
233 if energy is not None:
234 energy = energy * newprod / oldprod
235 results['energy'] = energy
237 return results
239 def repeat_unit_cell(self):
240 for atoms in self:
241 # Get quantities taking into account current repeat():'
242 results = self.repeat_results(atoms,,
245 atoms.cell *= self.repeat.reshape((3, 1))
246 atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **results)
247 self.repeat = np.ones(3, int)
249 def repeat_images(self, repeat):
250 from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
251 repeat = np.array(repeat)
252 oldprod =
253 images = []
254 constraints_removed = False
256 for i, atoms in enumerate(self):
257 refcell = atoms.get_cell()
258 fa = []
259 for c in atoms._constraints:
260 if isinstance(c, FixAtoms):
261 fa.append(c)
262 else:
263 constraints_removed = True
264 atoms.set_constraint(fa)
266 # Update results dictionary to repeated atoms
267 results = self.repeat_results(atoms, repeat, oldprod)
269 del atoms[len(atoms) // oldprod:] # Original atoms
271 atoms *= repeat
272 atoms.cell = refcell
274 atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **results)
276 images.append(atoms)
278 if constraints_removed:
279 from ase.gui.ui import tk, showwarning
280 # We must be able to show warning before the main GUI
281 # has been created. So we create a new window,
282 # then show the warning, then destroy the window.
283 tmpwindow = tk.Tk()
284 tmpwindow.withdraw() # Host window will never be shown
285 showwarning(_('Constraints discarded'),
286 _('Constraints other than FixAtoms '
287 'have been discarded.'))
288 tmpwindow.destroy()
290 self.initialize(images, filenames=self.filenames)
291 self.repeat = repeat
293 def center(self):
294 """Center each image in the existing unit cell, keeping the
295 cell constant."""
296 for atoms in self:
299 def graph(self, expr):
300 """Routine to create the data in graphs, defined by the
301 string expr."""
302 import ase.units as units
303 code = compile(expr + ',', '<input>', 'eval')
305 nimages = len(self)
307 def d(n1, n2):
308 return sqrt(((R[n1] - R[n2])**2).sum())
310 def a(n1, n2, n3):
311 v1 = R[n1] - R[n2]
312 v2 = R[n3] - R[n2]
313 arg = np.vdot(v1, v2) / (sqrt((v1**2).sum() * (v2**2).sum()))
314 if arg > 1.0:
315 arg = 1.0
316 if arg < -1.0:
317 arg = -1.0
318 return 180.0 * np.arccos(arg) / np.pi
320 def dih(n1, n2, n3, n4):
321 # vector 0->1, 1->2, 2->3 and their normalized cross products:
322 a = R[n2] - R[n1]
323 b = R[n3] - R[n2]
324 c = R[n4] - R[n3]
325 bxa = np.cross(b, a)
326 bxa /= np.sqrt(np.vdot(bxa, bxa))
327 cxb = np.cross(c, b)
328 cxb /= np.sqrt(np.vdot(cxb, cxb))
329 angle = np.vdot(bxa, cxb)
330 # check for numerical trouble due to finite precision:
331 if angle < -1:
332 angle = -1
333 if angle > 1:
334 angle = 1
335 angle = np.arccos(angle)
336 if np.vdot(bxa, c) > 0:
337 angle = 2 * np.pi - angle
338 return angle * 180.0 / np.pi
340 # get number of mobile atoms for temperature calculation
341 E = np.array([self.get_energy(atoms) for atoms in self])
343 s = 0.0
345 # Namespace for eval:
346 ns = {'E': E,
347 'd': d, 'a': a, 'dih': dih}
349 data = []
350 for i in range(nimages):
351 ns['i'] = i
352 ns['s'] = s
353 ns['R'] = R = self[i].get_positions()
354 ns['V'] = self[i].get_velocities()
355 F = self.get_forces(self[i])
356 if F is not None:
357 ns['F'] = F
358 ns['A'] = self[i].get_cell()
359 ns['M'] = self[i].get_masses()
360 # XXX askhl verify:
361 dynamic = self.get_dynamic(self[i])
362 if F is not None:
363 ns['f'] = f = ((F * dynamic[:, None])**2).sum(1)**.5
364 ns['fmax'] = max(f)
365 ns['fave'] = f.mean()
366 ns['epot'] = epot = E[i]
367 ns['ekin'] = ekin = self[i].get_kinetic_energy()
368 ns['e'] = epot + ekin
369 ndynamic = dynamic.sum()
370 if ndynamic > 0:
371 ns['T'] = 2.0 * ekin / (3.0 * ndynamic * units.kB)
372 data = eval(code, ns)
373 if i == 0:
374 nvariables = len(data)
375 xy = np.empty((nvariables, nimages))
376 xy[:, i] = data
377 if i + 1 < nimages and not self.have_varying_species:
378 dR = find_mic(self[i + 1].positions - R, self[i].get_cell(),
379 self[i].get_pbc())[0]
380 s += sqrt((dR**2).sum())
381 return xy
383 def write(self, filename, rotations='', bbox=None,
384 **kwargs):
385 # XXX We should show the unit cell whenever there is one
386 indices = range(len(self))
387 p = filename.rfind('@')
388 if p != -1:
389 try:
390 slice = string2index(filename[p + 1:])
391 except ValueError:
392 pass
393 else:
394 indices = indices[slice]
395 filename = filename[:p]
396 if isinstance(indices, int):
397 indices = [indices]
399 images = [self.get_atoms(i) for i in indices]
400 if len(filename) > 4 and filename[-4:] in ['.eps', '.png', '.pov']:
401 write(filename, images,
402 rotation=rotations,
403 bbox=bbox, **kwargs)
404 else:
405 write(filename, images, **kwargs)
407 def get_atoms(self, frame, remove_hidden=False):
408 atoms = self[frame]
409 try:
410 E = atoms.get_potential_energy()
411 except RuntimeError:
412 E = None
413 try:
414 F = atoms.get_forces()
415 except RuntimeError:
416 F = None
418 # Remove hidden atoms if applicable
419 if remove_hidden:
420 atoms = atoms[self.visible]
421 if F is not None:
422 F = F[self.visible]
423 atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, energy=E, forces=F)
424 return atoms
426 def delete(self, i):
427 self.images.pop(i)
428 self.filenames.pop(i)
429 self.initialize(self.images, self.filenames)