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1"""Operators that work on slabs.
2Allowed compositions are respected.
3Identical indexing of the slabs are assumed for the cut-splice operator."""
4from operator import itemgetter
5from collections import Counter
6from itertools import permutations
7import numpy as np
9from import OffspringCreator
10from import get_periodic_table_distance
11from ase.utils import atoms_to_spglib_cell
14 import spglib
15except ImportError:
16 spglib = None
19def permute2(atoms, rng=np.random):
20 i1 = rng.choice(range(len(atoms)))
21 sym1 = atoms[i1].symbol
22 i2 = rng.choice([a.index for a in atoms if a.symbol != sym1])
23 atoms[i1].symbol = atoms[i2].symbol
24 atoms[i2].symbol = sym1
27def replace_element(atoms, element_out, element_in):
28 syms = np.array(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())
29 syms[syms == element_out] = element_in
30 atoms.set_chemical_symbols(syms)
33def get_add_remove_lists(**kwargs):
34 to_add, to_rem = [], []
35 for s, amount in kwargs.items():
36 if amount > 0:
37 to_add.extend([s] * amount)
38 elif amount < 0:
39 to_rem.extend([s] * abs(amount))
40 return to_add, to_rem
43def get_minority_element(atoms):
44 counter = Counter(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())
45 return sorted(counter.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=False)[0][0]
48def minority_element_segregate(atoms, layer_tag=1, rng=np.random):
49 """Move the minority alloy element to the layer specified by the layer_tag,
50 Atoms object should contain atoms with the corresponding tag."""
51 sym = get_minority_element(atoms)
52 layer_indices = set([a.index for a in atoms if a.tag == layer_tag])
53 minority_indices = set([a.index for a in atoms if a.symbol == sym])
54 change_indices = minority_indices - layer_indices
55 in_layer_not_sym = list(layer_indices - minority_indices)
56 rng.shuffle(in_layer_not_sym)
57 if len(change_indices) > 0:
58 for i, ai in zip(change_indices, in_layer_not_sym):
59 atoms[i].symbol = atoms[ai].symbol
60 atoms[ai].symbol = sym
63def same_layer_comp(atoms, rng=np.random):
64 unique_syms, comp = np.unique(sorted(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()),
65 return_counts=True)
66 l = get_layer_comps(atoms)
67 sym_dict = dict((s, int(np.array(c) / len(l)))
68 for s, c in zip(unique_syms, comp))
69 for la in l:
70 correct_by = sym_dict.copy()
71 lcomp = dict(
72 zip(*np.unique([atoms[i].symbol for i in la], return_counts=True)))
73 for s, num in lcomp.items():
74 correct_by[s] -= num
75 to_add, to_rem = get_add_remove_lists(**correct_by)
76 for add, rem in zip(to_add, to_rem):
77 ai = rng.choice([i for i in la if atoms[i].symbol == rem])
78 atoms[ai].symbol = add
81def get_layer_comps(atoms, eps=1e-2):
82 lc = []
83 old_z = np.inf
84 for z, ind in sorted([(a.z, a.index) for a in atoms]):
85 if abs(old_z - z) < eps:
86 lc[-1].append(ind)
87 else:
88 lc.append([ind])
89 old_z = z
91 return lc
94def get_ordered_composition(syms, pools=None):
95 if pools is None:
96 pool_index = dict((sym, 0) for sym in set(syms))
97 else:
98 pool_index = {}
99 for i, pool in enumerate(pools):
100 if isinstance(pool, str):
101 pool_index[pool] = i
102 else:
103 for sym in set(syms):
104 if sym in pool:
105 pool_index[sym] = i
106 syms = [(sym, pool_index[sym], c)
107 for sym, c in zip(*np.unique(syms, return_counts=True))]
108 unique_syms, pn, comp = zip(
109 *sorted(syms, key=lambda k: (k[1] - k[2], k[0])))
110 return (unique_syms, pn, comp)
113def dummy_func(*args):
114 return
117class SlabOperator(OffspringCreator):
118 def __init__(self, verbose=False, num_muts=1,
119 allowed_compositions=None,
120 distribution_correction_function=None,
121 element_pools=None,
122 rng=np.random):
123 OffspringCreator.__init__(self, verbose, num_muts=num_muts, rng=rng)
125 self.allowed_compositions = allowed_compositions
126 self.element_pools = element_pools
127 if distribution_correction_function is None:
128 self.dcf = dummy_func
129 else:
130 self.dcf = distribution_correction_function
131 # Number of different elements i.e. [2, 1] if len(element_pools) == 2
132 # then 2 different elements in pool 1 is allowed but only 1 from pool 2
134 def get_symbols_to_use(self, syms):
135 """Get the symbols to use for the offspring candidate. The returned
136 list of symbols will respect self.allowed_compositions"""
137 if self.allowed_compositions is None:
138 return syms
140 unique_syms, counts = np.unique(syms, return_counts=True)
141 comp, unique_syms = zip(*sorted(zip(counts, unique_syms),
142 reverse=True))
144 for cc in self.allowed_compositions:
145 comp += (0,) * (len(cc) - len(comp))
146 if comp == tuple(sorted(cc)):
147 return syms
149 comp_diff = self.get_closest_composition_diff(comp)
150 to_add, to_rem = get_add_remove_lists(
151 **dict(zip(unique_syms, comp_diff)))
152 for add, rem in zip(to_add, to_rem):
153 tbc = [i for i in range(len(syms)) if syms[i] == rem]
154 ai = self.rng.choice(tbc)
155 syms[ai] = add
156 return syms
158 def get_add_remove_elements(self, syms):
159 if self.element_pools is None or self.allowed_compositions is None:
160 return [], []
161 unique_syms, pool_number, comp = get_ordered_composition(
162 syms, self.element_pools)
163 stay_comp, stay_syms = [], []
164 add_rem = {}
165 per_pool = len(self.allowed_compositions[0]) / len(self.element_pools)
166 pool_count = np.zeros(len(self.element_pools), dtype=int)
167 for pn, num, sym in zip(pool_number, comp, unique_syms):
168 pool_count[pn] += 1
169 if pool_count[pn] <= per_pool:
170 stay_comp.append(num)
171 stay_syms.append(sym)
172 else:
173 add_rem[sym] = -num
174 # collect elements from individual pools
176 diff = self.get_closest_composition_diff(stay_comp)
177 add_rem.update(dict((s, c) for s, c in zip(stay_syms, diff)))
178 return get_add_remove_lists(**add_rem)
180 def get_closest_composition_diff(self, c):
181 comp = np.array(c)
182 mindiff = 1e10
183 allowed_list = list(self.allowed_compositions)
184 self.rng.shuffle(allowed_list)
185 for ac in allowed_list:
186 diff = self.get_composition_diff(comp, ac)
187 numdiff = sum([abs(i) for i in diff])
188 if numdiff < mindiff:
189 mindiff = numdiff
190 ccdiff = diff
191 return ccdiff
193 def get_composition_diff(self, c1, c2):
194 difflen = len(c1) - len(c2)
195 if difflen > 0:
196 c2 += (0,) * difflen
197 return np.array(c2) - c1
199 def get_possible_mutations(self, a):
200 unique_syms, comp = np.unique(sorted(a.get_chemical_symbols()),
201 return_counts=True)
202 min_num = min([i for i in np.ravel(list(self.allowed_compositions))
203 if i > 0])
204 muts = set()
205 for i, n in enumerate(comp):
206 if n != 0:
207 muts.add((unique_syms[i], n))
208 if n % min_num >= 0:
209 for j in range(1, n // min_num):
210 muts.add((unique_syms[i], min_num * j))
211 return list(muts)
213 def get_all_element_mutations(self, a):
214 """Get all possible mutations for the supplied atoms object given
215 the element pools."""
216 muts = []
217 symset = set(a.get_chemical_symbols())
218 for sym in symset:
219 for pool in self.element_pools:
220 if sym in pool:
221 muts.extend([(sym, s) for s in pool if s not in symset])
222 return muts
224 def finalize_individual(self, indi):
225 atoms_string = ''.join(indi.get_chemical_symbols())
226['key_value_pairs']['atoms_string'] = atoms_string
227 return OffspringCreator.finalize_individual(self, indi)
230class CutSpliceSlabCrossover(SlabOperator):
231 def __init__(self, allowed_compositions=None, element_pools=None,
232 verbose=False,
233 num_muts=1, tries=1000, min_ratio=0.25,
234 distribution_correction_function=None, rng=np.random):
235 SlabOperator.__init__(self, verbose, num_muts,
236 allowed_compositions,
237 distribution_correction_function,
238 element_pools=element_pools,
239 rng=rng)
241 self.tries = tries
242 self.min_ratio = min_ratio
243 self.descriptor = 'CutSpliceSlabCrossover'
245 def get_new_individual(self, parents):
246 f, m = parents
248 indi = self.initialize_individual(f, self.operate(f, m))
249['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]
251 parent_message = ': Parents {0} {1}'.format(['confid'],
253 return (self.finalize_individual(indi),
254 self.descriptor + parent_message)
256 def operate(self, f, m):
257 child = f.copy()
258 fp = f.positions
259 ma = np.max(fp.transpose(), axis=1)
260 mi = np.min(fp.transpose(), axis=1)
262 for _ in range(self.tries):
263 # Find center point of cut
264 rv = [self.rng.rand() for _ in range(3)] # random vector
265 midpoint = (ma - mi) * rv + mi
267 # Determine cut plane
268 theta = self.rng.rand() * 2 * np.pi # 0,2pi
269 phi = self.rng.rand() * np.pi # 0,pi
270 e = np.array((np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta),
271 np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi),
272 np.cos(phi)))
274 # Cut structures
275 d2fp = - midpoint, e)
276 fpart = d2fp > 0
277 ratio = float(np.count_nonzero(fpart)) / len(f)
278 if ratio < self.min_ratio or ratio > 1 - self.min_ratio:
279 continue
280 syms = np.where(fpart, f.get_chemical_symbols(),
281 m.get_chemical_symbols())
282 dists2plane = abs(d2fp)
284 # Correct the composition
285 # What if only one element pool is represented in the offspring
286 to_add, to_rem = self.get_add_remove_elements(syms)
288 # Change elements closest to the cut plane
289 for add, rem in zip(to_add, to_rem):
290 tbc = [(dists2plane[i], i)
291 for i in range(len(syms)) if syms[i] == rem]
292 ai = sorted(tbc)[0][1]
293 syms[ai] = add
295 child.set_chemical_symbols(syms)
296 break
298 self.dcf(child)
300 return child
303# Mutations: Random, MoveUp/Down/Left/Right, six or all elements
305class RandomCompositionMutation(SlabOperator):
306 """Change the current composition to another of the allowed compositions.
307 The allowed compositions should be input in the same order as the element pools,
308 for example:
309 element_pools = [['Au', 'Cu'], ['In', 'Bi']]
310 allowed_compositions = [(6, 2), (5, 3)]
311 means that there can be 5 or 6 Au and Cu, and 2 or 3 In and Bi.
312 """
314 def __init__(self, verbose=False, num_muts=1, element_pools=None,
315 allowed_compositions=None,
316 distribution_correction_function=None, rng=np.random):
317 SlabOperator.__init__(self, verbose, num_muts,
318 allowed_compositions,
319 distribution_correction_function,
320 element_pools=element_pools,
321 rng=rng)
323 self.descriptor = 'RandomCompositionMutation'
325 def get_new_individual(self, parents):
326 f = parents[0]
327 parent_message = ': Parent {0}'.format(['confid'])
329 if self.allowed_compositions is None:
330 if len(set(f.get_chemical_symbols())) == 1:
331 if self.element_pools is None:
332 # We cannot find another composition without knowledge of
333 # other allowed elements or compositions
334 return None, self.descriptor + parent_message
336 # Do the operation
337 indi = self.initialize_individual(f, self.operate(f))
338['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]
340 return (self.finalize_individual(indi),
341 self.descriptor + parent_message)
343 def operate(self, atoms):
344 allowed_comps = self.allowed_compositions
345 if allowed_comps is None:
346 n_elems = len(set(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()))
347 n_atoms = len(atoms)
348 allowed_comps = [c for c in permutations(range(1, n_atoms),
349 n_elems)
350 if sum(c) == n_atoms]
352 # Sorting the composition to have the same order as in element_pools
353 syms = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
354 unique_syms, _, comp = get_ordered_composition(syms,
355 self.element_pools)
357 # Choose the composition to change to
358 for i, allowed in enumerate(allowed_comps):
359 if comp == tuple(allowed):
360 allowed_comps = np.delete(allowed_comps, i, axis=0)
361 break
362 chosen = self.rng.randint(len(allowed_comps))
363 comp_diff = self.get_composition_diff(comp, allowed_comps[chosen])
365 # Get difference from current composition
366 to_add, to_rem = get_add_remove_lists(
367 **dict(zip(unique_syms, comp_diff)))
369 # Correct current composition
370 syms = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
371 for add, rem in zip(to_add, to_rem):
372 tbc = [i for i in range(len(syms)) if syms[i] == rem]
373 ai = self.rng.choice(tbc)
374 syms[ai] = add
376 atoms.set_chemical_symbols(syms)
377 self.dcf(atoms)
378 return atoms
381class RandomElementMutation(SlabOperator):
382 def __init__(self, element_pools, verbose=False, num_muts=1,
383 allowed_compositions=None,
384 distribution_correction_function=None, rng=np.random):
385 SlabOperator.__init__(self, verbose, num_muts,
386 allowed_compositions,
387 distribution_correction_function,
388 element_pools=element_pools,
389 rng=rng)
391 self.descriptor = 'RandomElementMutation'
393 def get_new_individual(self, parents):
394 f = parents[0]
396 # Do the operation
397 indi = self.initialize_individual(f, self.operate(f))
398['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]
400 parent_message = ': Parent {0}'.format(['confid'])
401 return (self.finalize_individual(indi),
402 self.descriptor + parent_message)
404 def operate(self, atoms):
405 poss_muts = self.get_all_element_mutations(atoms)
406 chosen = self.rng.randint(len(poss_muts))
407 replace_element(atoms, *poss_muts[chosen])
408 self.dcf(atoms)
409 return atoms
412class NeighborhoodElementMutation(SlabOperator):
413 def __init__(self, element_pools, verbose=False, num_muts=1,
414 allowed_compositions=None,
415 distribution_correction_function=None, rng=np.random):
416 SlabOperator.__init__(self, verbose, num_muts,
417 allowed_compositions,
418 distribution_correction_function,
419 element_pools=element_pools,
420 rng=rng)
422 self.descriptor = 'NeighborhoodElementMutation'
424 def get_new_individual(self, parents):
425 f = parents[0]
427 indi = self.initialize_individual(f, f)
428['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]
430 indi = self.operate(indi)
432 parent_message = ': Parent {0}'.format(['confid'])
433 return (self.finalize_individual(indi),
434 self.descriptor + parent_message)
436 def operate(self, atoms):
437 least_diff = 1e22
438 for mut in self.get_all_element_mutations(atoms):
439 dist = get_periodic_table_distance(*mut)
440 if dist < least_diff:
441 poss_muts = [mut]
442 least_diff = dist
443 elif dist == least_diff:
444 poss_muts.append(mut)
446 chosen = self.rng.randint(len(poss_muts))
447 replace_element(atoms, *poss_muts[chosen])
448 self.dcf(atoms)
449 return atoms
452class SymmetrySlabPermutation(SlabOperator):
453 """Permutes the atoms in the slab until it has a higher symmetry number."""
455 def __init__(self, verbose=False, num_muts=1, sym_goal=100, max_tries=50,
456 allowed_compositions=None,
457 distribution_correction_function=None, rng=np.random):
458 SlabOperator.__init__(self, verbose, num_muts,
459 allowed_compositions,
460 distribution_correction_function,
461 rng=rng)
462 if spglib is None:
463 print("SymmetrySlabPermutation needs spglib to function")
465 assert sym_goal >= 1
466 self.sym_goal = sym_goal
467 self.max_tries = max_tries
468 self.descriptor = 'SymmetrySlabPermutation'
470 def get_new_individual(self, parents):
471 f = parents[0]
472 # Permutation only makes sense if two different elements are present
473 if len(set(f.get_chemical_symbols())) == 1:
474 f = parents[1]
475 if len(set(f.get_chemical_symbols())) == 1:
476 return None, '{1} not possible in {0}'.format(['confid'],
477 self.descriptor)
479 indi = self.initialize_individual(f, self.operate(f))
480['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]
482 parent_message = ': Parent {0}'.format(['confid'])
483 return (self.finalize_individual(indi),
484 self.descriptor + parent_message)
486 def operate(self, atoms):
487 # Do the operation
488 sym_num = 1
489 sg = self.sym_goal
490 while sym_num < sg:
491 for _ in range(self.max_tries):
492 for _ in range(2):
493 permute2(atoms, rng=self.rng)
494 self.dcf(atoms)
495 sym_num = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(
496 atoms_to_spglib_cell(atoms))['number']
497 if sym_num >= sg:
498 break
499 sg -= 1
500 return atoms
503class RandomSlabPermutation(SlabOperator):
504 def __init__(self, verbose=False, num_muts=1,
505 allowed_compositions=None,
506 distribution_correction_function=None, rng=np.random):
507 SlabOperator.__init__(self, verbose, num_muts,
508 allowed_compositions,
509 distribution_correction_function,
510 rng=rng)
512 self.descriptor = 'RandomSlabPermutation'
514 def get_new_individual(self, parents):
515 f = parents[0]
516 # Permutation only makes sense if two different elements are present
517 if len(set(f.get_chemical_symbols())) == 1:
518 f = parents[1]
519 if len(set(f.get_chemical_symbols())) == 1:
520 return None, '{1} not possible in {0}'.format(['confid'],
521 self.descriptor)
523 indi = self.initialize_individual(f, f)
524['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]
526 indi = self.operate(indi)
528 parent_message = ': Parent {0}'.format(['confid'])
529 return (self.finalize_individual(indi),
530 self.descriptor + parent_message)
532 def operate(self, atoms):
533 # Do the operation
534 for _ in range(self.num_muts):
535 permute2(atoms, rng=self.rng)
536 self.dcf(atoms)
537 return atoms