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1import warnings
2from math import pi, sin, cos
3import numpy as np
6def bz_vertices(icell, dim=3):
7 """See ..."""
8 from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
9 icell = icell.copy()
10 if dim < 3:
11 icell[2, 2] = 1e-3
12 if dim < 2:
13 icell[1, 1] = 1e-3
15 I = (np.indices((3, 3, 3)) - 1).reshape((3, 27))
16 G =, I).T
17 vor = Voronoi(G)
18 bz1 = []
19 for vertices, points in zip(vor.ridge_vertices, vor.ridge_points):
20 if -1 not in vertices and 13 in points:
21 normal = G[points].sum(0)
22 normal /= (normal**2).sum()**0.5
23 bz1.append((vor.vertices[vertices], normal))
24 return bz1
27def bz_plot(cell, vectors=False, paths=None, points=None,
28 elev=None, scale=1, interactive=False,
29 pointstyle=None, ax=None, show=False):
30 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
32 if ax is None:
33 fig = plt.gcf()
35 dimensions = cell.rank
36 assert dimensions > 0, 'No BZ for 0D!'
38 if dimensions == 3:
39 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
40 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d
41 from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
42 Axes3D # silence pyflakes
44 class Arrow3D(FancyArrowPatch):
45 def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs):
46 FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs)
47 self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs
49 def draw(self, renderer):
50 xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d
51 xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d,
52 zs3d, ax.axes.M)
53 self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1]))
54 FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
56 # FIXME: Compatibility fix for matplotlib 3.5.0: Handling of 3D
57 # artists have changed and all 3D artists now need
58 # "do_3d_projection". Since this class is a hack that manually
59 # projects onto the 3D axes we don't need to do anything in this
60 # method. Ideally we shouldn't resort to a hack like this.
61 def do_3d_projection(self, *_, **__):
62 return 0
64 azim = pi / 5
65 elev = elev or pi / 6
66 x = sin(azim)
67 y = cos(azim)
68 view = [x * cos(elev), y * cos(elev), sin(elev)]
70 if ax is None:
71 ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
72 elif dimensions == 2:
73 # 2d in xy
74 assert all(abs(cell[2][0:2]) < 1e-6) and all(abs(cell.T[2]
75 [0:2]) < 1e-6)
76 ax = plt.gca()
77 cell = cell.copy()
78 else:
79 # 1d in x
80 assert (all(abs(cell[2][0:2]) < 1e-6) and
81 all(abs(cell.T[2][0:2]) < 1e-6) and
82 abs(cell[0][1]) < 1e-6 and abs(cell[1][0]) < 1e-6)
83 ax = plt.gca()
84 cell = cell.copy()
86 icell = cell.reciprocal()
87 kpoints = points
88 bz1 = bz_vertices(icell, dim=dimensions)
90 maxp = 0.0
91 minp = 0.0
92 if dimensions == 1:
93 x = np.array([-0.5 * icell[0, 0],
94 0.5 * icell[0, 0],
95 -0.5 * icell[0, 0]])
96 y = np.array([0, 0, 0])
97 ax.plot(x, y, c='k', ls='-')
98 maxp = icell[0, 0]
99 else:
100 for points, normal in bz1:
101 x, y, z = np.concatenate([points, points[:1]]).T
102 if dimensions == 3:
103 if, view) < 0 and not interactive:
104 ls = ':'
105 else:
106 ls = '-'
107 ax.plot(x, y, z, c='k', ls=ls)
108 elif dimensions == 2:
109 ax.plot(x, y, c='k', ls='-')
110 maxp = max(maxp, points.max())
111 minp = min(minp, points.min())
113 def draw_axis3d(ax, vector):
114 ax.add_artist(Arrow3D(
115 [0, vector[0]],
116 [0, vector[1]],
117 [0, vector[2]],
118 mutation_scale=20,
119 arrowstyle='-|>',
120 color='k',
121 ))
123 def draw_axis2d(ax, x, y):
124 ax.arrow(0, 0, x, y,
125 lw=1, color='k',
126 length_includes_head=True,
127 head_width=0.03,
128 head_length=0.05)
130 if vectors:
131 if dimensions == 3:
132 for i in range(3):
133 draw_axis3d(ax, vector=icell[i])
134 maxp = max(maxp, 0.6 * icell.max())
135 elif dimensions == 2:
136 for i in range(2):
137 draw_axis2d(ax, icell[i, 0], icell[i, 1])
138 maxp = max(maxp, icell.max())
139 else:
140 draw_axis2d(ax, icell[0, 0], 0)
141 maxp = max(maxp, icell.max())
143 if paths is not None:
144 for names, points in paths:
145 x, y, z = np.array(points).T
146 if dimensions == 3:
147 ax.plot(x, y, z, c='r', ls='-', marker='.')
148 elif dimensions in [1, 2]:
149 ax.plot(x, y, c='r', ls='-')
151 for name, point in zip(names, points):
152 x, y, z = point
153 if name == 'G':
154 name = '\\Gamma'
155 elif len(name) > 1:
156 import re
157 m = re.match(r'^(\D+?)(\d*)$', name)
158 if m is None:
159 raise ValueError('Bad label: {}'.format(name))
160 name, num =, 2)
161 if num:
162 name = '{}_{{{}}}'.format(name, num)
163 if dimensions == 3:
164 ax.text(x, y, z, '$\\mathrm{' + name + '}$',
165 ha='center', va='bottom', color='g')
166 elif dimensions == 2:
167 ha_s = ['right', 'left', 'right']
168 va_s = ['bottom', 'bottom', 'top']
170 ha = ha_s[int(np.sign(x))]
171 va = va_s[int(np.sign(y))]
172 if abs(z) < 1e-6:
173 ax.text(x, y, '$\\mathrm{' + name + '}$',
174 ha=ha, va=va, color='g',
175 zorder=5)
176 else:
177 if abs(y) < 1e-6 and abs(z) < 1e-6:
178 ax.text(x, y, '$\\mathrm{' + name + '}$',
179 ha='center', va='bottom', color='g',
180 zorder=5)
182 if kpoints is not None:
183 kw = {'c': 'b'}
184 if pointstyle is not None:
185 kw.update(pointstyle)
186 for p in kpoints:
187 if dimensions == 3:
188 ax.scatter(p[0], p[1], p[2], **kw)
189 elif dimensions == 2:
190 ax.scatter(p[0], p[1], zorder=4, **kw)
191 else:
192 ax.scatter(p[0], 0, zorder=4, **kw)
194 ax.set_axis_off()
196 if dimensions in [1, 2]:
197 ax.autoscale_view(tight=True)
198 s = maxp * 1.05
199 ax.set_xlim(-s, s)
200 ax.set_ylim(-s, s)
201 ax.set_aspect('equal')
203 if dimensions == 3:
204 # ax.set_aspect('equal') <-- won't work anymore in 3.1.0
205 ax.view_init(azim=azim / pi * 180, elev=elev / pi * 180)
206 # We want aspect 'equal', but apparently there was a bug in
207 # matplotlib causing wrong behaviour. Matplotlib raises
208 # NotImplementedError as of v3.1.0. This is a bit unfortunate
209 # because the workarounds known to StackOverflow and elsewhere
210 # all involve using set_aspect('equal') and then doing
211 # something more.
212 #
213 # We try to get square axes here by setting a square figure,
214 # but this is probably rather inexact.
215 fig = ax.get_figure()
216 xx = plt.figaspect(1.0)
217 fig.set_figheight(xx[1])
218 fig.set_figwidth(xx[0])
220 # oldlibs tests with matplotlib 2.0.0 say we have no set_proj_type:
221 if hasattr(ax, 'set_proj_type'):
222 ax.set_proj_type('ortho')
224 minp0 = 0.9 * minp # Here we cheat a bit to trim spacings
225 maxp0 = 0.9 * maxp
226 ax.set_xlim3d(minp0, maxp0)
227 ax.set_ylim3d(minp0, maxp0)
228 ax.set_zlim3d(minp0, maxp0)
230 if hasattr(ax, 'set_box_aspect'):
231 ax.set_box_aspect([1, 1, 1])
232 else:
233 msg = ('Matplotlib axes have no set_box_aspect() method. '
234 'Aspect ratio will likely be wrong. '
235 'Consider updating to Matplotlib >= 3.3.')
236 warnings.warn(msg)
238 if show:
241 return ax