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1import os 

2import sys 

3from contextlib import ExitStack 


5import numpy as np 


7from ase.db.core import Database, ops, lock, now 

8from ase.db.row import AtomsRow 

9from ase.io.jsonio import encode, decode 

10from ase.parallel import world, parallel_function 



13class JSONDatabase(Database): 

14 def __enter__(self): 

15 return self 


17 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): 

18 pass 


20 def _write(self, atoms, key_value_pairs, data, id): 

21 Database._write(self, atoms, key_value_pairs, data) 


23 bigdct = {} 

24 ids = [] 

25 nextid = 1 


27 if (isinstance(self.filename, str) and 

28 os.path.isfile(self.filename)): 

29 try: 

30 bigdct, ids, nextid = self._read_json() 

31 except (SyntaxError, ValueError): 

32 pass 


34 mtime = now() 


36 if isinstance(atoms, AtomsRow): 

37 row = atoms 

38 else: 

39 row = AtomsRow(atoms) 

40 row.ctime = mtime 

41 row.user = os.getenv('USER') 


43 dct = {} 

44 for key in row.__dict__: 

45 if key[0] == '_' or key in row._keys or key == 'id': 

46 continue 

47 dct[key] = row[key] 


49 dct['mtime'] = mtime 


51 if key_value_pairs: 

52 dct['key_value_pairs'] = key_value_pairs 


54 if data: 

55 dct['data'] = data 


57 constraints = row.get('constraints') 

58 if constraints: 

59 dct['constraints'] = constraints 


61 if id is None: 

62 id = nextid 

63 ids.append(id) 

64 nextid += 1 

65 else: 

66 assert id in bigdct 


68 bigdct[id] = dct 

69 self._write_json(bigdct, ids, nextid) 

70 return id 


72 def _read_json(self): 

73 if isinstance(self.filename, str): 

74 with open(self.filename) as fd: 

75 bigdct = decode(fd.read()) 

76 else: 

77 bigdct = decode(self.filename.read()) 

78 if self.filename is not sys.stdin: 

79 self.filename.seek(0) 


81 if not isinstance(bigdct, dict) or not ('ids' in bigdct 

82 or 1 in bigdct): 

83 from ase.io.formats import UnknownFileTypeError 

84 raise UnknownFileTypeError('Does not resemble ASE JSON database') 


86 ids = bigdct.get('ids') 

87 if ids is None: 

88 # Allow for missing "ids" and "nextid": 

89 assert 1 in bigdct 

90 return bigdct, [1], 2 

91 if not isinstance(ids, list): 

92 ids = ids.tolist() 

93 return bigdct, ids, bigdct['nextid'] 


95 def _write_json(self, bigdct, ids, nextid): 

96 if world.rank > 0: 

97 return 


99 with ExitStack() as stack: 

100 if isinstance(self.filename, str): 

101 fd = stack.enter_context(open(self.filename, 'w')) 

102 else: 

103 fd = self.filename 

104 print('{', end='', file=fd) 

105 for id in ids: 

106 dct = bigdct[id] 

107 txt = ',\n '.join('"{0}": {1}'.format(key, encode(dct[key])) 

108 for key in sorted(dct.keys())) 

109 print('"{0}": {{\n {1}}},'.format(id, txt), file=fd) 

110 if self._metadata is not None: 

111 print('"metadata": {0},'.format(encode(self.metadata)), file=fd) 

112 print('"ids": {0},'.format(ids), file=fd) 

113 print('"nextid": {0}}}'.format(nextid), file=fd) 


115 @parallel_function 

116 @lock 

117 def delete(self, ids): 

118 bigdct, myids, nextid = self._read_json() 

119 for id in ids: 

120 del bigdct[id] 

121 myids.remove(id) 

122 self._write_json(bigdct, myids, nextid) 


124 def _get_row(self, id): 

125 bigdct, ids, nextid = self._read_json() 

126 if id is None: 

127 assert len(ids) == 1 

128 id = ids[0] 

129 dct = bigdct[id] 

130 dct['id'] = id 

131 return AtomsRow(dct) 


133 def _select(self, keys, cmps, explain=False, verbosity=0, 

134 limit=None, offset=0, sort=None, include_data=True, 

135 columns='all'): 

136 if explain: 

137 yield {'explain': (0, 0, 0, 'scan table')} 

138 return 


140 if sort: 

141 if sort[0] == '-': 

142 reverse = True 

143 sort = sort[1:] 

144 else: 

145 reverse = False 


147 def f(row): 

148 return row.get(sort, missing) 


150 rows = [] 

151 missing = [] 

152 for row in self._select(keys, cmps): 

153 key = row.get(sort) 

154 if key is None: 

155 missing.append((0, row)) 

156 else: 

157 rows.append((key, row)) 


159 rows.sort(reverse=reverse, key=lambda x: x[0]) 

160 rows += missing 


162 if limit: 

163 rows = rows[offset:offset + limit] 

164 for key, row in rows: 

165 yield row 

166 return 


168 try: 

169 bigdct, ids, nextid = self._read_json() 

170 except IOError: 

171 return 


173 if not limit: 

174 limit = -offset - 1 


176 cmps = [(key, ops[op], val) for key, op, val in cmps] 

177 n = 0 

178 for id in ids: 

179 if n - offset == limit: 

180 return 

181 dct = bigdct[id] 

182 if not include_data: 

183 dct.pop('data', None) 

184 row = AtomsRow(dct) 

185 row.id = id 

186 for key in keys: 

187 if key not in row: 

188 break 

189 else: 

190 for key, op, val in cmps: 

191 if isinstance(key, int): 

192 value = np.equal(row.numbers, key).sum() 

193 else: 

194 value = row.get(key) 

195 if key == 'pbc': 

196 assert op in [ops['='], ops['!=']] 

197 value = ''.join('FT'[x] for x in value) 

198 if value is None or not op(value, val): 

199 break 

200 else: 

201 if n >= offset: 

202 yield row 

203 n += 1 


205 @property 

206 def metadata(self): 

207 if self._metadata is None: 

208 bigdct, myids, nextid = self._read_json() 

209 self._metadata = bigdct.get('metadata', {}) 

210 return self._metadata.copy() 


212 @metadata.setter 

213 def metadata(self, dct): 

214 bigdct, ids, nextid = self._read_json() 

215 self._metadata = dct 

216 self._write_json(bigdct, ids, nextid)