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1import json
2import sys
3from collections import defaultdict
4from contextlib import contextmanager
5from typing import Iterable, Iterator
8from ase.db import connect
9from ase.db.core import convert_str_to_int_float_or_str
10from ase.db.row import row2dct
11from ase.db.table import Table, all_columns
12from ase.utils import plural
15class CLICommand:
16 """Manipulate and query ASE database.
18 Query is a comma-separated list of
19 selections where each selection is of the type "ID", "key" or
20 "key=value". Instead of "=", one can also use "<", "<=", ">=", ">"
21 and "!=" (these must be protected from the shell by using quotes).
22 Special keys:
24 * id
25 * user
26 * calculator
27 * age
28 * natoms
29 * energy
30 * magmom
31 * charge
33 Chemical symbols can also be used to select number of
34 specific atomic species (H, He, Li, ...). Selection examples:
36 calculator=nwchem
37 age<1d
38 natoms=1
39 user=alice
40 2.2<bandgap<4.1
41 Cu>=10
43 See also:
44 """
46 @staticmethod
47 def add_arguments(parser):
48 add = parser.add_argument
49 add('database', help='SQLite3 file, JSON file or postgres URL.')
50 add('query', nargs='*', help='Query string.')
51 add('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='More output.')
52 add('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='Less output.')
53 add('-n', '--count', action='store_true',
54 help='Count number of selected rows.')
55 add('-l', '--long', action='store_true',
56 help='Long description of selected row')
57 add('-i', '--insert-into', metavar='db-name',
58 help='Insert selected rows into another database.')
59 add('-a', '--add-from-file', metavar='filename',
60 help='Add configuration(s) from file. '
61 'If the file contains more than one configuration then you can '
62 'use the syntax filename@: to add all of them. Default is to '
63 'only add the last.')
64 add('-k', '--add-key-value-pairs', metavar='key1=val1,key2=val2,...',
65 help='Add key-value pairs to selected rows. Values must '
66 'be numbers or strings and keys must follow the same rules as '
67 'keywords.')
68 add('-L', '--limit', type=int, default=-1, metavar='N',
69 help='Show only first N rows. Use --limit=0 '
70 'to show all. Default is 20 rows when listing rows and no '
71 'limit when --insert-into is used.')
72 add('--offset', type=int, default=0, metavar='N',
73 help='Skip first N rows. By default, no rows are skipped')
74 add('--delete', action='store_true',
75 help='Delete selected rows.')
76 add('--delete-keys', metavar='key1,key2,...',
77 help='Delete keys for selected rows.')
78 add('-y', '--yes', action='store_true',
79 help='Say yes.')
80 add('--explain', action='store_true',
81 help='Explain query plan.')
82 add('-c', '--columns', metavar='col1,col2,...',
83 help='Specify columns to show. Precede the column specification '
84 'with a "+" in order to add columns to the default set of '
85 'columns. Precede by a "-" to remove columns. Use "++" for all.')
86 add('-s', '--sort', metavar='column', default='id',
87 help='Sort rows using "column". Use "column-" for a descending '
88 'sort. Default is to sort after id.')
89 add('--cut', type=int, default=35, help='Cut keywords and key-value '
90 'columns after CUT characters. Use --cut=0 to disable cutting. '
91 'Default is 35 characters')
92 add('-p', '--plot', metavar='x,y1,y2,...',
93 help='Example: "-p x,y": plot y row against x row. Use '
94 '"-p a:x,y" to make a plot for each value of a.')
95 add('--csv', action='store_true',
96 help='Write comma-separated-values file.')
97 add('-w', '--open-web-browser', action='store_true',
98 help='Open results in web-browser.')
99 add('--no-lock-file', action='store_true', help="Don't use lock-files")
100 add('--analyse', action='store_true',
101 help='Gathers statistics about tables and indices to help make '
102 'better query planning choices.')
103 add('-j', '--json', action='store_true',
104 help='Write json representation of selected row.')
105 add('-m', '--show-metadata', action='store_true',
106 help='Show metadata as json.')
107 add('--set-metadata', metavar='something.json',
108 help='Set metadata from a json file.')
109 add('--strip-data', action='store_true',
110 help='Strip data when using --insert-into.')
111 add('--progress-bar', action='store_true',
112 help='Show a progress bar when using --insert-into.')
113 add('--show-keys', action='store_true',
114 help='Show all keys.')
115 add('--show-values', metavar='key1,key2,...',
116 help='Show values for key(s).')
118 @staticmethod
119 def run(args):
120 main(args)
123def count_keys(db, query):
124 keys = defaultdict(int)
125 for row in
126 for key in row._keys:
127 keys[key] += 1
129 n = max(len(key) for key in keys) + 1
130 for key, number in keys.items():
131 print('{:{}} {}'.format(key + ':', n, number))
132 return
135def main(args):
136 verbosity = 1 - args.quiet + args.verbose
137 query = ','.join(args.query)
139 if args.sort.endswith('-'):
140 # Allow using "key-" instead of "-key" for reverse sorting
141 args.sort = '-' + args.sort[:-1]
143 if query.isdigit():
144 query = int(query)
146 add_key_value_pairs = {}
147 if args.add_key_value_pairs:
148 for pair in args.add_key_value_pairs.split(','):
149 key, value = pair.split('=')
150 add_key_value_pairs[key] = convert_str_to_int_float_or_str(value)
152 if args.delete_keys:
153 delete_keys = args.delete_keys.split(',')
154 else:
155 delete_keys = []
157 db = connect(args.database, use_lock_file=not args.no_lock_file)
159 def out(*args):
160 if verbosity > 0:
161 print(*args)
163 if args.analyse:
164 db.analyse()
165 return
167 if args.show_keys:
168 count_keys(db, query)
169 return
171 if args.show_values:
172 keys = args.show_values.split(',')
173 values = {key: defaultdict(int) for key in keys}
174 numbers = set()
175 for row in
176 kvp = row.key_value_pairs
177 for key in keys:
178 value = kvp.get(key)
179 if value is not None:
180 values[key][value] += 1
181 if not isinstance(value, str):
182 numbers.add(key)
184 n = max(len(key) for key in keys) + 1
185 for key in keys:
186 vals = values[key]
187 if key in numbers:
188 print('{:{}} [{}..{}]'
189 .format(key + ':', n, min(vals), max(vals)))
190 else:
191 print('{:{}} {}'
192 .format(key + ':', n,
193 ', '.join('{}({})'.format(v, n)
194 for v, n in vals.items())))
195 return
197 if args.add_from_file:
198 filename = args.add_from_file
199 configs =
200 if not isinstance(configs, list):
201 configs = [configs]
202 for atoms in configs:
203 db.write(atoms, key_value_pairs=add_key_value_pairs)
204 out('Added ' + plural(len(configs), 'row'))
205 return
207 if args.count:
208 n = db.count(query)
209 print('%s' % plural(n, 'row'))
210 return
212 if args.insert_into:
213 if args.limit == -1:
214 args.limit = 0
216 progressbar = no_progressbar
217 length = None
219 if args.progress_bar:
220 # Try to import the one from click.
221 # People using ase.db will most likely have flask installed
222 # and therfore also click.
223 try:
224 from click import progressbar
225 except ImportError:
226 pass
227 else:
228 length = db.count(query)
230 nkvp = 0
231 nrows = 0
232 with connect(args.insert_into,
233 use_lock_file=not args.no_lock_file) as db2:
234 with progressbar(,
235 sort=args.sort,
236 limit=args.limit,
237 offset=args.offset),
238 length=length) as rows:
239 for row in rows:
240 kvp = row.get('key_value_pairs', {})
241 nkvp -= len(kvp)
242 kvp.update(add_key_value_pairs)
243 nkvp += len(kvp)
244 if args.strip_data:
245 db2.write(row.toatoms(), **kvp)
246 else:
247 db2.write(row, data=row.get('data'), **kvp)
248 nrows += 1
250 out('Added %s (%s updated)' %
251 (plural(nkvp, 'key-value pair'),
252 plural(len(add_key_value_pairs) * nrows - nkvp, 'pair')))
253 out('Inserted %s' % plural(nrows, 'row'))
254 return
256 if args.limit == -1:
257 args.limit = 20
259 if args.explain:
260 for row in, explain=True,
261 verbosity=verbosity,
262 limit=args.limit, offset=args.offset):
263 print(row['explain'])
264 return
266 if args.show_metadata:
267 print(json.dumps(db.metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
268 return
270 if args.set_metadata:
271 with open(args.set_metadata) as fd:
272 db.metadata = json.load(fd)
273 return
275 if add_key_value_pairs or delete_keys:
276 ids = [row['id'] for row in]
277 M = 0
278 N = 0
279 with db:
280 for id in ids:
281 m, n = db.update(id, delete_keys=delete_keys,
282 **add_key_value_pairs)
283 M += m
284 N += n
285 out('Added %s (%s updated)' %
286 (plural(M, 'key-value pair'),
287 plural(len(add_key_value_pairs) * len(ids) - M, 'pair')))
288 out('Removed', plural(N, 'key-value pair'))
290 return
292 if args.delete:
293 ids = [row['id'] for row in, include_data=False)]
294 if ids and not args.yes:
295 msg = 'Delete %s? (yes/No): ' % plural(len(ids), 'row')
296 if input(msg).lower() != 'yes':
297 return
298 db.delete(ids)
299 out('Deleted %s' % plural(len(ids), 'row'))
300 return
302 if args.plot:
303 if ':' in args.plot:
304 tags, keys = args.plot.split(':')
305 tags = tags.split(',')
306 else:
307 tags = []
308 keys = args.plot
309 keys = keys.split(',')
310 plots = defaultdict(list)
311 X = {}
312 labels = []
313 for row in, sort=args.sort, include_data=False):
314 name = ','.join(str(row[tag]) for tag in tags)
315 x = row.get(keys[0])
316 if x is not None:
317 if isinstance(x, str):
318 if x not in X:
319 X[x] = len(X)
320 labels.append(x)
321 x = X[x]
322 plots[name].append([x] + [row.get(key) for key in keys[1:]])
323 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
324 for name, plot in plots.items():
325 xyy = zip(*plot)
326 x = xyy[0]
327 for y, key in zip(xyy[1:], keys[1:]):
328 plt.plot(x, y, label=name + ':' + key)
329 if X:
330 plt.xticks(range(len(labels)), labels, rotation=90)
331 plt.legend()
333 return
335 if args.json:
336 row = db.get(query)
337 db2 = connect(sys.stdout, 'json', use_lock_file=False)
338 kvp = row.get('key_value_pairs', {})
339 db2.write(row, data=row.get('data'), **kvp)
340 return
342 if args.long:
343 row = db.get(query)
344 print(row2str(row))
345 return
347 if args.open_web_browser:
348 try:
349 import flask # noqa
350 except ImportError:
351 print('Please install Flask: python3 -m pip install flask')
352 return
353 check_jsmol()
354 import as app
355 app.add_project(db)
356'', debug=True)
357 return
359 columns = list(all_columns)
360 c = args.columns
361 if c and c.startswith('++'):
362 keys = set()
363 for row in,
364 limit=args.limit, offset=args.offset,
365 include_data=False):
366 keys.update(row._keys)
367 columns.extend(keys)
368 if c[2:3] == ',':
369 c = c[3:]
370 else:
371 c = ''
372 if c:
373 if c[0] == '+':
374 c = c[1:]
375 elif c[0] != '-':
376 columns = []
377 for col in c.split(','):
378 if col[0] == '-':
379 columns.remove(col[1:])
380 else:
381 columns.append(col.lstrip('+'))
383 table = Table(db, verbosity=verbosity, cut=args.cut)
384, columns, args.sort, args.limit, args.offset)
385 if args.csv:
386 table.write_csv()
387 else:
388 table.write(query)
391def row2str(row) -> str:
392 t = row2dct(row)
393 S = [t['formula'] + ':',
394 'Unit cell in Ang:',
395 'axis|periodic| x| y| z|' +
396 ' length| angle']
397 c = 1
398 fmt = (' {0}| {1}|{2[0]:>11}|{2[1]:>11}|{2[2]:>11}|' +
399 '{3:>10}|{4:>10}')
400 for p, axis, L, A in zip(row.pbc, t['cell'], t['lengths'], t['angles']):
401 S.append(fmt.format(c, [' no', 'yes'][p], axis, L, A))
402 c += 1
403 S.append('')
405 if 'stress' in t:
406 S += ['Stress tensor (xx, yy, zz, zy, zx, yx) in eV/Ang^3:',
407 ' {}\n'.format(t['stress'])]
409 if 'dipole' in t:
410 S.append('Dipole moment in e*Ang: ({})\n'.format(t['dipole']))
412 if 'constraints' in t:
413 S.append('Constraints: {}\n'.format(t['constraints']))
415 if 'data' in t:
416 S.append('Data: {}\n'.format(t['data']))
418 width0 = max(max(len(row[0]) for row in t['table']), 3)
419 width1 = max(max(len(row[1]) for row in t['table']), 11)
420 S.append('{:{}} | {:{}} | Value'
421 .format('Key', width0, 'Description', width1))
422 for key, desc, value in t['table']:
423 S.append('{:{}} | {:{}} | {}'
424 .format(key, width0, desc, width1, value))
425 return '\n'.join(S)
429def no_progressbar(iterable: Iterable,
430 length: int = None) -> Iterator[Iterable]:
431 """A do-nothing implementation."""
432 yield iterable
435def check_jsmol():
436 from import root
437 static = root / 'ase/db/static'
438 if not (static / 'jsmol/JSmol.min.js').is_file():
439 print(f"""
441 You don't have jsmol on your system.
443 Download Jmol-*-binary.tar.gz from
445 extract, unzip it and create a soft-link:
447 $ tar -xf Jmol-*-binary.tar.gz
448 $ unzip jmol-*/
449 $ ln -s $PWD/jsmol {static}/jsmol
450 """,
451 file=sys.stderr)