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1import os
3from import read, write
6class CLICommand:
7 """Convert between file formats.
9 Use "-" for stdin/stdout.
10 See "ase info --formats" for known formats.
11 """
13 @staticmethod
14 def add_arguments(parser):
15 add = parser.add_argument
16 add('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
17 help='Print names of converted files')
18 add('input', nargs='+', metavar='input-file')
19 add('-i', '--input-format', metavar='FORMAT',
20 help='Specify input FORMAT')
21 add('output', metavar='output-file')
22 add('-o', '--output-format', metavar='FORMAT',
23 help='Specify output FORMAT')
24 add('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
25 help='Overwrite an existing file')
26 add('-n', '--image-number',
27 default=':', metavar='NUMBER',
28 help='Pick images from trajectory. NUMBER can be a '
29 'single number (use a negative number to count from '
30 'the back) or a range: start:stop:step, where the '
31 '":step" part can be left out - default values are '
32 '0:nimages:1.')
33 add('-e', '--exec-code',
34 help='Python code to execute on each atoms before '
35 'writing it to output file. The Atoms object is '
36 'available as `atoms`. Set `["_output"] = False` '
37 'to suppress output of this frame.')
38 add('-E', '--exec-file',
39 help='Python source code file to execute on each '
40 'frame, usage is as for -e/--exec-code.')
41 add('-a', '--arrays',
42 help='Comma-separated list of atoms.arrays entries to include '
43 'in output file. Default is all entries.')
44 add('-I', '--info',
45 help='Comma-separated list of entries to include '
46 'in output file. Default is all entries.')
47 add('-s', '--split-output', action='store_true',
48 help='Write output frames to individual files. '
49 'Output file name should be a format string with '
50 'a single integer field, e.g. out-{:0>5}.xyz')
51 add('--read-args', nargs='+', action='store',
52 default={}, metavar="KEY=VALUE",
53 help='Additional keyword arguments to pass to '
54 '``.')
55 add('--write-args', nargs='+', action='store',
56 default={}, metavar="KEY=VALUE",
57 help='Additional keyword arguments to pass to '
58 '``.')
60 @staticmethod
61 def run(args, parser):
62 if args.verbose:
63 print(', '.join(args.input), '->', args.output)
64 if args.arrays:
65 args.arrays = [k.strip() for k in args.arrays.split(',')]
66 if args.verbose:
67 print('Filtering to include arrays: ', ', '.join(args.arrays))
68 if
69 = [k.strip() for k in',')]
70 if args.verbose:
71 print('Filtering to include info: ', ', '.join(
72 if args.read_args:
73 args.read_args = eval("dict({0})"
74 .format(', '.join(args.read_args)))
75 if args.write_args:
76 args.write_args = eval("dict({0})"
77 .format(', '.join(args.write_args)))
79 configs = []
80 for filename in args.input:
81 atoms = read(filename, args.image_number,
82 format=args.input_format, **args.read_args)
83 if isinstance(atoms, list):
84 configs.extend(atoms)
85 else:
86 configs.append(atoms)
88 new_configs = []
89 for atoms in configs:
90 if args.arrays:
91 atoms.arrays = dict((k, atoms.arrays[k]) for k in args.arrays)
92 if
93 = dict((k,[k]) for k in
94 if args.exec_code:
95 # avoid exec() for Py 2+3 compat.
96 eval(compile(args.exec_code, '<string>', 'exec'))
97 if args.exec_file:
98 eval(compile(open(args.exec_file).read(), args.exec_file,
99 'exec'))
100 if "_output" not in or["_output"]:
101 new_configs.append(atoms)
102 configs = new_configs
104 if not args.force and os.path.isfile(args.output):
105 parser.error('File already exists: {}'.format(args.output))
107 if args.split_output:
108 for i, atoms in enumerate(configs):
109 write(args.output.format(i), atoms,
110 format=args.output_format, **args.write_args)
111 else:
112 write(args.output, configs, format=args.output_format,
113 **args.write_args)