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1from import read_json
2from ase.spectrum.band_structure import BandStructure
3from ase.cli.main import CLIError
6def read_band_structure(filename):
7 bs = read_json(filename)
8 if not isinstance(bs, BandStructure):
9 raise CLIError(f'Expected band structure, but file contains: {bs}')
10 return bs
13def main(args, parser):
14 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
15 bs = read_band_structure(args.calculation)
16 emin, emax = (float(e) for e in args.range)
17 fig = plt.gcf()
18 fig.canvas.set_window_title(args.calculation)
19 ax = fig.gca()
20 bs.plot(ax=ax,
21 filename=args.output,
22 emin=emin + bs.reference,
23 emax=emax + bs.reference)
24 if args.output is None:
28class CLICommand:
29 """Plot band-structure.
31 Read eigenvalues and k-points from file and plot result from
32 band-structure calculation or interpolate
33 from Monkhorst-Pack sampling to a given path (--path=PATH).
35 Example:
37 $ ase band-structure bandstructure.json -r -10 10
38 """
40 @staticmethod
41 def add_arguments(parser):
42 parser.add_argument('calculation',
43 help='Path to output file(s) from calculation.')
44 parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Write image to a file')
45 parser.add_argument('-r', '--range', nargs=2, default=['-3', '3'],
46 metavar=('emin', 'emax'),
47 help='Default: "-3.0 3.0" '
48 '(in eV relative to Fermi level).')
50 @staticmethod
51 def run(args, parser):
52 main(args, parser)