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1import numpy as np
3from ase import units
4from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator, all_changes
5from ase.calculators.tip3p import rOH, angleHOH, TIP3P
7__all__ = ['rOH', 'angleHOH', 'TIP4P', 'sigma0', 'epsilon0']
9# Electrostatic constant and parameters:
10k_c = units.Hartree * units.Bohr
11qH = 0.52
12A = 600e3 * units.kcal / units.mol
13B = 610 * units.kcal / units.mol
14sigma0 = (A / B)**(1 / 6.)
15epsilon0 = B**2 / (4 * A)
19class TIP4P(TIP3P):
20 def __init__(self, rc=7.0, width=1.0):
21 """ TIP4P potential for water.
25 Requires an atoms object of OHH,OHH, ... sequence
26 Correct TIP4P charges and LJ parameters set automatically.
28 Virtual interaction sites implemented in the following scheme:
29 Original atoms object has no virtual sites.
30 When energy/forces are requested:
32 * virtual sites added to temporary xatoms object
33 * energy / forces calculated
34 * forces redistributed from virtual sites to actual atoms object
36 This means you do not get into trouble when propagating your system
37 with MD while having to skip / account for massless virtual sites.
39 This also means that if using for QM/MM MD with GPAW, the EmbedTIP4P
40 class must be used.
41 """
43 TIP3P.__init__(self, rc, width)
44 self.atoms_per_mol = 3
45 self.sites_per_mol = 4
46 = None
47 self.forces = None
49 def calculate(self, atoms=None,
50 properties=['energy', 'forces'],
51 system_changes=all_changes):
52 Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
54 assert (atoms.numbers[::3] == 8).all()
55 assert (atoms.numbers[1::3] == 1).all()
56 assert (atoms.numbers[2::3] == 1).all()
58 xpos = self.add_virtual_sites(atoms.positions)
59 xcharges = self.get_virtual_charges(atoms)
61 cell = atoms.cell
62 pbc = atoms.pbc
64 natoms = len(atoms)
65 nmol = natoms // 3
67 = 0.0
68 self.forces = np.zeros((4 * natoms // 3, 3))
70 C = cell.diagonal()
71 assert (cell == np.diag(C)).all(), 'not orthorhombic'
72 assert ((C >= 2 * self.rc) | ~pbc).all(), 'cutoff too large'
74 # Get dx,dy,dz from first atom of each mol to same atom of all other
75 # and find min. distance. Everything moves according to this analysis.
76 for a in range(nmol - 1):
77 D = xpos[(a + 1) * 4::4] - xpos[a * 4]
78 shift = np.zeros_like(D)
79 for i, periodic in enumerate(pbc):
80 if periodic:
81 shift[:, i] = np.rint(D[:, i] / C[i]) * C[i]
82 q_v = xcharges[(a + 1) * 4:]
84 # Min. img. position list as seen for molecule !a!
85 position_list = np.zeros(((nmol - 1 - a) * 4, 3))
87 for j in range(4):
88 position_list[j::4] += xpos[(a + 1) * 4 + j::4] - shift
90 # Make the smooth cutoff:
91 pbcRoo = position_list[::4] - xpos[a * 4]
92 pbcDoo = np.sum(np.abs(pbcRoo)**2, axis=-1)**(1 / 2)
93 x1 = pbcDoo > self.rc - self.width
94 x2 = pbcDoo < self.rc
95 x12 = np.logical_and(x1, x2)
96 y = (pbcDoo[x12] - self.rc + self.width) / self.width
97 t = np.zeros(len(pbcDoo))
98 t[x2] = 1.0
99 t[x12] -= y**2 * (3.0 - 2.0 * y)
100 dtdd = np.zeros(len(pbcDoo))
101 dtdd[x12] -= 6.0 / self.width * y * (1.0 - y)
102 self.energy_and_forces(a, xpos, position_list, q_v, nmol, t, dtdd)
104 if self.pcpot:
105 e, f = self.pcpot.calculate(xcharges, xpos)
106 += e
107 self.forces += f
109 f = self.redistribute_forces(self.forces)
111 self.results['energy'] =
112 self.results['forces'] = f
114 def energy_and_forces(self, a, xpos, position_list, q_v, nmol, t, dtdd):
115 """ energy and forces on molecule a from all other molecules.
116 cutoff is based on O-O Distance. """
118 # LJ part - only O-O interactions
119 epsil = np.tile([epsilon0], nmol - 1 - a)
120 sigma = np.tile([sigma0], nmol - 1 - a)
121 DOO = position_list[::4] - xpos[a * 4]
122 d2 = (DOO**2).sum(1)
123 d = np.sqrt(d2)
124 e_lj = 4 * epsil * (sigma**12 / d**12 - sigma**6 / d**6)
125 f_lj = (4 * epsil * (12 * sigma**12 / d**13 -
126 6 * sigma**6 / d**7) * t -
127 e_lj * dtdd)[:, np.newaxis] * DOO / d[:, np.newaxis]
129 self.forces[a * 4] -= f_lj.sum(0)
130 self.forces[(a + 1) * 4::4] += f_lj
132 # Electrostatics
133 e_elec = 0
134 all_cut = np.repeat(t, 4)
135 for i in range(4):
136 D = position_list - xpos[a * 4 + i]
137 d2_all = (D**2).sum(axis=1)
138 d_all = np.sqrt(d2_all)
139 e = k_c * q_v[i] * q_v / d_all
140 e_elec +=, e).sum()
141 e_f = e.reshape(nmol - a - 1, 4).sum(1)
142 F = (e / d_all * all_cut)[:, np.newaxis] * D / d_all[:, np.newaxis]
143 FOO = -(e_f * dtdd)[:, np.newaxis] * DOO / d[:, np.newaxis]
144 self.forces[(a + 1) * 4 + 0::4] += FOO
145 self.forces[a * 4] -= FOO.sum(0)
146 self.forces[(a + 1) * 4:] += F
147 self.forces[a * 4 + i] -= F.sum(0)
149 +=, t) + e_elec
151 def add_virtual_sites(self, pos):
152 # Order: OHHM,OHHM,...
153 # DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199906)20:8
154 b = 0.15
155 xatomspos = np.zeros((4 * len(pos) // 3, 3))
156 for w in range(0, len(pos), 3):
157 r_i = pos[w] # O pos
158 r_j = pos[w + 1] # H1 pos
159 r_k = pos[w + 2] # H2 pos
160 n = (r_j + r_k) / 2 - r_i
161 n /= np.linalg.norm(n)
162 r_d = r_i + b * n
164 x = 4 * w // 3
165 xatomspos[x + 0] = r_i
166 xatomspos[x + 1] = r_j
167 xatomspos[x + 2] = r_k
168 xatomspos[x + 3] = r_d
170 return xatomspos
172 def get_virtual_charges(self, atoms):
173 charges = np.empty(len(atoms) * 4 // 3)
174 charges[0::4] = 0.00 # O
175 charges[1::4] = qH # H1
176 charges[2::4] = qH # H2
177 charges[3::4] = - 2 * qH # X1
178 return charges
180 def redistribute_forces(self, forces):
181 f = forces
182 b = 0.15
183 a = 0.5
184 pos = self.atoms.positions
185 for w in range(0, len(pos), 3):
186 r_i = pos[w] # O pos
187 r_j = pos[w + 1] # H1 pos
188 r_k = pos[w + 2] # H2 pos
189 r_ij = r_j - r_i
190 r_jk = r_k - r_j
191 r_d = r_i + b * (r_ij + a * r_jk) / np.linalg.norm(r_ij + a * r_jk)
192 r_id = r_d - r_i
193 gamma = b / np.linalg.norm(r_ij + a * r_jk)
195 x = w * 4 // 3
196 Fd = f[x + 3] # force on M
197 F1 = (, Fd) /, r_id)) * r_id
198 Fi = Fd - gamma * (Fd - F1) # Force from M on O
199 Fj = (1 - a) * gamma * (Fd - F1) # Force from M on H1
200 Fk = a * gamma * (Fd - F1) # Force from M on H2
202 f[x] += Fi
203 f[x + 1] += Fj
204 f[x + 2] += Fk
206 # remove virtual sites from force array
207 f = np.delete(f, list(range(3, f.shape[0], 4)), axis=0)
208 return f