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1import os
2import re
4import numpy as np
6from ase.units import Hartree, Bohr
7from import write_orca
8from ase.calculators.calculator import FileIOCalculator, Parameters, ReadError
11class ORCA(FileIOCalculator):
12 implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces']
14 if 'ORCA_COMMAND' in os.environ:
15 command = os.environ['ORCA_COMMAND'] + ' PREFIX.inp > PREFIX.out'
16 else:
17 command = 'orca PREFIX.inp > PREFIX.out'
19 default_parameters = dict(
20 charge=0, mult=1,
21 task='gradient',
22 orcasimpleinput='tightscf PBE def2-SVP',
23 orcablocks='%scf maxiter 200 end')
25 def __init__(self, restart=None,
26 ignore_bad_restart_file=FileIOCalculator._deprecated,
27 label='orca', atoms=None, **kwargs):
28 """ ASE interface to ORCA 4
29 by Ragnar Bjornsson, Based on NWchem interface but simplified.
30 Only supports energies and gradients (no dipole moments,
31 orbital energies etc.) for now.
33 For more ORCA-keyword flexibility, method/xc/basis etc.
34 keywords are not used. Instead, two keywords:
36 orcasimpleinput: str
37 What you'd put after the "!" in an orca input file.
39 orcablock: str
40 What you'd put in the "% ... end"-blocks.
42 are used to define the ORCA simple-inputline and the ORCA-block input.
43 This allows for more flexible use of any ORCA method or keyword
44 available in ORCA instead of hardcoding stuff.
46 Point Charge IO functionality added by A. Dohn.
47 """
48 FileIOCalculator.__init__(self, restart, ignore_bad_restart_file,
49 label, atoms, **kwargs)
51 self.pcpot = None
53 def set(self, **kwargs):
54 changed_parameters = FileIOCalculator.set(self, **kwargs)
55 if changed_parameters:
56 self.reset()
58 def write_input(self, atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None):
59 FileIOCalculator.write_input(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
60 p = self.parameters
61 p.write(self.label + '.ase')
62 p['label'] = self.label
63 if self.pcpot: # also write point charge file and add things to input
64 p['pcpot'] = self.pcpot
66 write_orca(atoms, **p)
68 def read(self, label):
69, label)
70 if not os.path.isfile(self.label + '.out'):
71 raise ReadError
73 with open(self.label + '.inp') as fd:
74 for line in fd:
75 if line.startswith('geometry'):
76 break
77 symbols = []
78 positions = []
79 for line in fd:
80 if line.startswith('end'):
81 break
82 words = line.split()
83 symbols.append(words[0])
84 positions.append([float(word) for word in words[1:]])
86 self.parameters = + '.ase')
87 self.read_results()
89 def read_results(self):
90 self.read_energy()
91 if self.parameters.task.find('gradient') > -1:
92 self.read_forces()
94 def read_energy(self):
95 """Read Energy from ORCA output file."""
96 with open(self.label + '.out', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
97 text =
98 # Energy:
99 re_energy = re.compile(r"FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY.*\n")
100 re_not_converged = re.compile(r"Wavefunction not fully converged")
101 found_line =
102 if found_line and not
103 self.results['energy'] = float([-1]) * Hartree
105 def read_forces(self):
106 """Read Forces from ORCA output file."""
107 with open(f'{self.label}.engrad', 'r') as fd:
108 lines = fd.readlines()
109 getgrad = False
110 gradients = []
111 tempgrad = []
112 for i, line in enumerate(lines):
113 if line.find('# The current gradient') >= 0:
114 getgrad = True
115 gradients = []
116 tempgrad = []
117 continue
118 if getgrad and "#" not in line:
119 grad = line.split()[-1]
120 tempgrad.append(float(grad))
121 if len(tempgrad) == 3:
122 gradients.append(tempgrad)
123 tempgrad = []
124 if '# The at' in line:
125 getgrad = False
126 self.results['forces'] = -np.array(gradients) * Hartree / Bohr
128 def embed(self, mmcharges=None, **parameters):
129 """Embed atoms in point-charges (mmcharges)
130 """
131 self.pcpot = PointChargePotential(mmcharges, label=self.label)
132 return self.pcpot
135class PointChargePotential:
136 def __init__(self, mmcharges, label=None, positions=None, directory=None):
137 """ Point Charge Potential Interface to ORCA """
138 if positions is not None:
139 self.set_positions(positions)
140 if directory is None:
141 directory = os.getcwd()
143 = directory + os.sep
144 self.mmcharges = mmcharges
145 self.label = label
147 def set_positions(self, positions):
148 self.positions = positions
150 def set_charges(self, mmcharges):
151 self.q_p = mmcharges
153 def write_mmcharges(self, filename):
154 pc_file = open(os.path.join(,
155 filename + '.pc'), 'w')
157 pc_file.write('{0:d}\n'.format(len(self.mmcharges)))
158 for [pos, pc] in zip(self.positions, self.mmcharges):
159 [x, y, z] = pos
160 pc_file.write('{0:12.6f} {1:12.6f} {2:12.6f} {3:12.6f}\n'
161 .format(pc, x, y, z))
163 pc_file.close()
165 def get_forces(self, calc):
166 ''' reads forces on point charges from .pcgrad file '''
167 with open(os.path.join(, self.label + '.pcgrad'),
168 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
169 lines = fd.readlines()
170 numpc = int(lines[0])
171 forces = np.zeros((numpc, 3))
172 for i in range(numpc):
173 [fx, fy, fz] = [float(f) for f in lines[i + 1].split()]
174 forces[i, :] = fx, fy, fz
176 return -forces * Hartree / Bohr