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1"""ASE LAMMPS Calculator Library Version""" 



4import ctypes 


6import numpy as np 

7from numpy.linalg import norm 


9from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator 

10from ase.data import (atomic_numbers as ase_atomic_numbers, 

11 chemical_symbols as ase_chemical_symbols, 

12 atomic_masses as ase_atomic_masses) 

13from ase.calculators.lammps import convert 

14from ase.geometry import wrap_positions 


16# TODO 

17# 1. should we make a new lammps object each time ? 

18# 4. need a routine to get the model back from lammps 

19# 5. if we send a command to lmps directly then the calculator does 

20# not know about it and the energy could be wrong. 

21# 6. do we need a subroutine generator that converts a lammps string 

22# into a python function that can be called 

23# 8. make matscipy as fallback 

24# 9. keep_alive not needed with no system changes 

25# 10. it may be a good idea to unify the cell handling with the one found in 

26# lammpsrun.py 



29# this one may be moved to some more generic place 

30def is_upper_triangular(arr, atol=1e-8): 

31 """test for upper triangular matrix based on numpy""" 

32 # must be (n x n) matrix 

33 assert len(arr.shape) == 2 

34 assert arr.shape[0] == arr.shape[1] 

35 return np.allclose(np.tril(arr, k=-1), 0., atol=atol) and \ 

36 np.all(np.diag(arr) >= 0.0) 



39def convert_cell(ase_cell): 

40 """ 

41 Convert a parallelepiped (forming right hand basis) 

42 to lower triangular matrix LAMMPS can accept. This 

43 function transposes cell matrix so the bases are column vectors 

44 """ 

45 cell = ase_cell.T 


47 if not is_upper_triangular(cell): 

48 # rotate bases into triangular matrix 

49 tri_mat = np.zeros((3, 3)) 

50 A = cell[:, 0] 

51 B = cell[:, 1] 

52 C = cell[:, 2] 

53 tri_mat[0, 0] = norm(A) 

54 Ahat = A / norm(A) 

55 AxBhat = np.cross(A, B) / norm(np.cross(A, B)) 

56 tri_mat[0, 1] = np.dot(B, Ahat) 

57 tri_mat[1, 1] = norm(np.cross(Ahat, B)) 

58 tri_mat[0, 2] = np.dot(C, Ahat) 

59 tri_mat[1, 2] = np.dot(C, np.cross(AxBhat, Ahat)) 

60 tri_mat[2, 2] = norm(np.dot(C, AxBhat)) 


62 # create and save the transformation for coordinates 

63 volume = np.linalg.det(ase_cell) 

64 trans = np.array([np.cross(B, C), np.cross(C, A), np.cross(A, B)]) 

65 trans /= volume 

66 coord_transform = np.dot(tri_mat, trans) 


68 return tri_mat, coord_transform 

69 else: 

70 return cell, None 



73class LAMMPSlib(Calculator): 

74 r""" 



77LAMMPSlib is an interface and calculator for LAMMPS_. LAMMPSlib uses 

78the python interface that comes with LAMMPS to solve an atoms model 

79for energy, atom forces and cell stress. This calculator creates a 

80'.lmp' object which is a running lammps program, so further commands 

81can be sent to this object executed until it is explicitly closed. Any 

82additional variables calculated by lammps can also be extracted. This 

83is still experimental code. 




87======================= ====================================================== 

88Keyword Description 

89======================= ====================================================== 

90``lmpcmds`` list of strings of LAMMPS commands. You need to supply 

91 enough to define the potential to be used e.g. 


93 ["pair_style eam/alloy", 

94 "pair_coeff * * potentials/NiAlH_jea.eam.alloy Ni Al"] 


96``atom_types`` dictionary of ``atomic_symbol :lammps_atom_type`` 

97 pairs, e.g. ``{'Cu':1}`` to bind copper to lammps 

98 atom type 1. If <None>, autocreated by assigning 

99 lammps atom types in order that they appear in the 

100 first used atoms object. 


102``atom_type_masses`` dictionary of ``atomic_symbol :mass`` pairs, e.g. 

103 ``{'Cu':63.546}`` to optionally assign masses that 

104 override default ase.data.atomic_masses. Note that 

105 since unit conversion is done automatically in this 

106 module, these quantities must be given in the 

107 standard ase mass units (g/mol) 


109``log_file`` string 

110 path to the desired LAMMPS log file 


112``lammps_header`` string to use for lammps setup. Default is to use 

113 metal units and simple atom simulation. 


115 lammps_header=['units metal', 

116 'atom_style atomic', 

117 'atom_modify map array sort 0 0']) 


119``amendments`` extra list of strings of LAMMPS commands to be run 

120 post initialization. (Use: Initialization amendments) 

121 e.g. 


123 ["mass 1 58.6934"] 


125``post_changebox_cmds`` extra list of strings of LAMMPS commands to be run 

126 after any LAMMPS 'change_box' command is performed by 

127 the calculator. This is relevant because some 

128 potentials either themselves depend on the geometry 

129 and boundary conditions of the simulation box, or are 

130 frequently coupled with other LAMMPS commands that 

131 do, e.g. the 'buck/coul/long' pair style is often 

132 used with the kspace_* commands, which are sensitive 

133 to the periodicity of the simulation box. 


135``keep_alive`` Boolean 

136 whether to keep the lammps routine alive for more 

137 commands 


139======================= ====================================================== 





144To run this calculator you must have LAMMPS installed and compiled to 

145enable the python interface. See the LAMMPS manual. 


147If the following code runs then lammps is installed correctly. 


149 >>> from lammps import lammps 

150 >>> lmp = lammps() 


152The version of LAMMPS is also important. LAMMPSlib is suitable for 

153versions after approximately 2011. Prior to this the python interface 

154is slightly different from that used by LAMMPSlib. It is not difficult 

155to change to the earlier format. 


157**LAMMPS and LAMMPSlib** 


159The LAMMPS calculator is another calculator that uses LAMMPS (the 

160program) to calculate the energy by generating input files and running 

161a separate LAMMPS job to perform the analysis. The output data is then 

162read back into python. LAMMPSlib makes direct use of the LAMMPS (the 

163program) python interface. As well as directly running any LAMMPS 

164command line it allows the values of any of LAMMPS variables to be 

165extracted and returned to python. 




169Provided that the respective potential file is in the working directory, one 

170can simply run (note that LAMMPS needs to be compiled to work with EAM 





175 from ase import Atom, Atoms 

176 from ase.build import bulk 

177 from ase.calculators.lammpslib import LAMMPSlib 


179 cmds = ["pair_style eam/alloy", 

180 "pair_coeff * * NiAlH_jea.eam.alloy Ni H"] 


182 Ni = bulk('Ni', cubic=True) 

183 H = Atom('H', position=Ni.cell.diagonal()/2) 

184 NiH = Ni + H 


186 lammps = LAMMPSlib(lmpcmds=cmds, log_file='test.log') 


188 NiH.calc = lammps 

189 print("Energy ", NiH.get_potential_energy()) 





194LAMMPS provides a set of python functions to allow execution of the 

195underlying C++ LAMMPS code. The functions used by the LAMMPSlib 

196interface are:: 


198 from lammps import lammps 


200 lmp = lammps(cmd_args) # initiate LAMMPS object with command line args 


202 lmp.scatter_atoms('x',1,3,positions) # atom coords to LAMMPS C array 

203 lmp.command(cmd) # executes a one line cmd string 

204 lmp.extract_variable(...) # extracts a per atom variable 

205 lmp.extract_global(...) # extracts a global variable 

206 lmp.close() # close the lammps object 


208For a single Ni atom model the following lammps file commands would be run 

209by invoking the get_potential_energy() method:: 


211 units metal 

212 atom_style atomic 

213 atom_modify map array sort 0 0 


215 region cell prism 0 xhi 0 yhi 0 zhi xy xz yz units box 

216 create_box 1 cell 

217 create_atoms 1 single 0 0 0 units box 

218 mass * 1.0 


220 ## user lmpcmds get executed here 

221 pair_style eam/alloy 

222 pair_coeff * * NiAlH_jea.eam.alloy Ni 

223 ## end of user lmmpcmds 


225 run 0 


227where xhi, yhi and zhi are the lattice vector lengths and xy, 

228xz and yz are the tilt of the lattice vectors, all to be edited. 





233.. _LAMMPS: http://lammps.sandia.gov/ 


235* Units: The default lammps_header sets the units to Angstrom and eV 

236 and for compatibility with ASE Stress is in GPa. 


238* The global energy is currently extracted from LAMMPS using 

239 extract_variable since lammps.lammps currently extract_global only 

240 accepts the following ['dt', 'boxxlo', 'boxxhi', 'boxylo', 'boxyhi', 

241 'boxzlo', 'boxzhi', 'natoms', 'nlocal']. 


243* If an error occurs while lammps is in control it will crash 

244 Python. Check the output of the log file to find the lammps error. 


246* If the are commands directly sent to the LAMMPS object this may 

247 change the energy value of the model. However the calculator will not 

248 know of it and still return the original energy value. 




252 implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress'] 


254 started = False 

255 initialized = False 


257 default_parameters = dict( 

258 atom_types=None, 

259 atom_type_masses=None, 

260 log_file=None, 

261 lammps_name='', 

262 keep_alive=False, 

263 lammps_header=['units metal', 

264 'atom_style atomic', 

265 'atom_modify map array sort 0 0'], 

266 amendments=None, 

267 post_changebox_cmds=None, 

268 boundary=True, 

269 create_box=True, 

270 create_atoms=True, 

271 read_molecular_info=False, 

272 comm=None) 


274 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): 

275 Calculator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) 

276 self.lmp = None 


278 def __del__(self): 

279 if self.started: 

280 self.lmp.close() 

281 self.started = False 

282 self.lmp = None 


284 def set_cell(self, atoms, change=False): 

285 lammps_cell, self.coord_transform = convert_cell(atoms.get_cell()) 


287 xhi, xy, xz, _, yhi, yz, _, _, zhi = convert( 

288 lammps_cell.flatten(order='C'), "distance", "ASE", self.units) 

289 box_hi = [xhi, yhi, zhi] 


291 if change: 

292 cell_cmd = ('change_box all ' 

293 'x final 0 {} y final 0 {} z final 0 {} ' 

294 'xy final {} xz final {} yz final {} units box' 

295 ''.format(xhi, yhi, zhi, xy, xz, yz)) 

296 if self.parameters.post_changebox_cmds is not None: 

297 for cmd in self.parameters.post_changebox_cmds: 

298 self.lmp.command(cmd) 

299 else: 

300 # just in case we'll want to run with a funny shape box, 

301 # and here command will only happen once, and before 

302 # any calculation 

303 if self.parameters.create_box: 

304 self.lmp.command('box tilt large') 


306 # Check if there are any indefinite boundaries. If so, 

307 # shrink-wrapping will end up being used, but we want to 

308 # define the LAMMPS region and box fairly tight around the 

309 # atoms to avoid losing any 

310 lammps_boundary_conditions = self.lammpsbc(atoms).split() 

311 if 's' in lammps_boundary_conditions: 

312 pos = atoms.get_positions() 

313 if self.coord_transform is not None: 

314 pos = np.dot(self.coord_transform, pos.transpose()) 

315 pos = pos.transpose() 

316 posmin = np.amin(pos, axis=0) 

317 posmax = np.amax(pos, axis=0) 


319 for i in range(0, 3): 

320 if lammps_boundary_conditions[i] == 's': 

321 box_hi[i] = 1.05 * abs(posmax[i] - posmin[i]) 


323 cell_cmd = ('region cell prism ' 

324 '0 {} 0 {} 0 {} ' 

325 '{} {} {} units box' 

326 ''.format(*box_hi, xy, xz, yz)) 


328 self.lmp.command(cell_cmd) 


330 def set_lammps_pos(self, atoms): 

331 # Create local copy of positions that are wrapped along any periodic 

332 # directions 

333 cell = convert(atoms.cell, "distance", "ASE", self.units) 

334 pos = convert(atoms.positions, "distance", "ASE", self.units) 


336 # If necessary, transform the positions to new coordinate system 

337 if self.coord_transform is not None: 

338 pos = np.dot(pos, self.coord_transform.T) 

339 cell = np.dot(cell, self.coord_transform.T) 


341 # wrap only after scaling and rotating to reduce chances of 

342 # lammps neighbor list bugs. 

343 pos = wrap_positions(pos, cell, atoms.get_pbc()) 


345 # Convert ase position matrix to lammps-style position array 

346 # contiguous in memory 

347 lmp_positions = list(pos.ravel()) 


349 # Convert that lammps-style array into a C object 

350 c_double_array = (ctypes.c_double * len(lmp_positions)) 

351 lmp_c_positions = c_double_array(*lmp_positions) 

352 # self.lmp.put_coosrds(lmp_c_positions) 

353 self.lmp.scatter_atoms('x', 1, 3, lmp_c_positions) 


355 def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes): 

356 self.propagate(atoms, properties, system_changes, 0) 


358 def propagate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes, n_steps, dt=None, 

359 dt_not_real_time=False, velocity_field=None): 

360 """"atoms: Atoms object 

361 Contains positions, unit-cell, ... 

362 properties: list of str 

363 List of what needs to be calculated. Can be any combination 

364 of 'energy', 'forces', 'stress', 'dipole', 'charges', 'magmom' 

365 and 'magmoms'. 

366 system_changes: list of str 

367 List of what has changed since last calculation. Can be 

368 any combination of these five: 'positions', 'numbers', 'cell', 

369 'pbc', 'charges' and 'magmoms'. 

370 """ 

371 if len(system_changes) == 0: 

372 return 


374 self.coord_transform = None 


376 if not self.started: 

377 self.start_lammps() 

378 if not self.initialized: 

379 self.initialise_lammps(atoms) 

380 else: # still need to reset cell 

381 # NOTE: The whole point of ``post_changebox_cmds`` is that they're 

382 # executed after any call to LAMMPS' change_box command. Here, we 

383 # rely on the fact that self.set_cell(), where we have currently 

384 # placed the execution of ``post_changebox_cmds``, gets called 

385 # after this initial change_box call. 


387 # Apply only requested boundary condition changes. Note this needs 

388 # to happen before the call to set_cell since 'change_box' will 

389 # apply any shrink-wrapping *after* it's updated the cell 

390 # dimensions 

391 if 'pbc' in system_changes: 

392 change_box_str = 'change_box all boundary {}' 

393 change_box_cmd = change_box_str.format(self.lammpsbc(atoms)) 

394 self.lmp.command(change_box_cmd) 


396 # Reset positions so that if they are crazy from last 

397 # propagation, change_box (in set_cell()) won't hang. 

398 # Could do this only after testing for crazy positions? 

399 # Could also use scatter_atoms() to set values (requires 

400 # MPI comm), or extra_atoms() to get pointers to local 

401 # data structures to zero, but then we would have to be 

402 # careful with parallelism. 

403 self.lmp.command("set atom * x 0.0 y 0.0 z 0.0") 

404 self.set_cell(atoms, change=True) 


406 if self.parameters.atom_types is None: 

407 raise NameError("atom_types are mandatory.") 


409 do_rebuild = (not np.array_equal(atoms.numbers, 

410 self.previous_atoms_numbers) 

411 or ("numbers" in system_changes)) 

412 if not do_rebuild: 

413 do_redo_atom_types = not np.array_equal( 

414 atoms.numbers, self.previous_atoms_numbers) 

415 else: 

416 do_redo_atom_types = False 


418 self.lmp.command('echo none') # don't echo the atom positions 

419 if do_rebuild: 

420 self.rebuild(atoms) 

421 elif do_redo_atom_types: 

422 self.redo_atom_types(atoms) 

423 self.lmp.command('echo log') # switch back log 


425 self.set_lammps_pos(atoms) 


427 if self.parameters.amendments is not None: 

428 for cmd in self.parameters.amendments: 

429 self.lmp.command(cmd) 


431 if n_steps > 0: 

432 if velocity_field is None: 

433 vel = convert( 

434 atoms.get_velocities(), 

435 "velocity", 

436 "ASE", 

437 self.units) 

438 else: 

439 # FIXME: Do we need to worry about converting to lammps units 

440 # here? 

441 vel = atoms.arrays[velocity_field] 


443 # If necessary, transform the velocities to new coordinate system 

444 if self.coord_transform is not None: 

445 vel = np.dot(self.coord_transform, vel.T).T 


447 # Convert ase velocities matrix to lammps-style velocities array 

448 lmp_velocities = list(vel.ravel()) 


450 # Convert that lammps-style array into a C object 

451 c_double_array = (ctypes.c_double * len(lmp_velocities)) 

452 lmp_c_velocities = c_double_array(*lmp_velocities) 

453 self.lmp.scatter_atoms('v', 1, 3, lmp_c_velocities) 


455 # Run for 0 time to calculate 

456 if dt is not None: 

457 if dt_not_real_time: 

458 self.lmp.command('timestep %.30f' % dt) 

459 else: 

460 self.lmp.command('timestep %.30f' % 

461 convert(dt, "time", "ASE", self.units)) 

462 self.lmp.command('run %d' % n_steps) 


464 if n_steps > 0: 

465 # TODO this must be slower than native copy, but why is it broken? 

466 pos = np.array( 

467 [x for x in self.lmp.gather_atoms("x", 1, 3)]).reshape(-1, 3) 

468 if self.coord_transform is not None: 

469 pos = np.dot(pos, self.coord_transform) 


471 # Convert from LAMMPS units to ASE units 

472 pos = convert(pos, "distance", self.units, "ASE") 


474 atoms.set_positions(pos) 


476 vel = np.array( 

477 [v for v in self.lmp.gather_atoms("v", 1, 3)]).reshape(-1, 3) 

478 if self.coord_transform is not None: 

479 vel = np.dot(vel, self.coord_transform) 

480 if velocity_field is None: 

481 atoms.set_velocities(convert(vel, 'velocity', self.units, 

482 'ASE')) 


484 # Extract the forces and energy 

485 self.results['energy'] = convert( 

486 self.lmp.extract_variable('pe', None, 0), 

487 "energy", self.units, "ASE" 

488 ) 

489 self.results['free_energy'] = self.results['energy'] 


491 stress = np.empty(6) 

492 stress_vars = ['pxx', 'pyy', 'pzz', 'pyz', 'pxz', 'pxy'] 


494 for i, var in enumerate(stress_vars): 

495 stress[i] = self.lmp.extract_variable(var, None, 0) 


497 stress_mat = np.zeros((3, 3)) 

498 stress_mat[0, 0] = stress[0] 

499 stress_mat[1, 1] = stress[1] 

500 stress_mat[2, 2] = stress[2] 

501 stress_mat[1, 2] = stress[3] 

502 stress_mat[2, 1] = stress[3] 

503 stress_mat[0, 2] = stress[4] 

504 stress_mat[2, 0] = stress[4] 

505 stress_mat[0, 1] = stress[5] 

506 stress_mat[1, 0] = stress[5] 

507 if self.coord_transform is not None: 

508 stress_mat = np.dot(self.coord_transform.T, 

509 np.dot(stress_mat, self.coord_transform)) 

510 stress[0] = stress_mat[0, 0] 

511 stress[1] = stress_mat[1, 1] 

512 stress[2] = stress_mat[2, 2] 

513 stress[3] = stress_mat[1, 2] 

514 stress[4] = stress_mat[0, 2] 

515 stress[5] = stress_mat[0, 1] 


517 self.results['stress'] = convert(-stress, "pressure", self.units, "ASE") 


519 # definitely yields atom-id ordered force array 

520 f = convert(np.array(self.lmp.gather_atoms("f", 1, 3)).reshape(-1, 3), 

521 "force", self.units, "ASE") 


523 if self.coord_transform is not None: 

524 self.results['forces'] = np.dot(f, self.coord_transform) 

525 else: 

526 self.results['forces'] = f.copy() 


528 # otherwise check_state will always trigger a new calculation 

529 self.atoms = atoms.copy() 


531 if not self.parameters.keep_alive: 

532 self.lmp.close() 


534 def lammpsbc(self, atoms): 

535 """Determine LAMMPS boundary types based on ASE pbc settings. For 

536 non-periodic dimensions, if the cell length is finite then 

537 fixed BCs ('f') are used; if the cell length is approximately 

538 zero, shrink-wrapped BCs ('s') are used.""" 


540 retval = '' 

541 pbc = atoms.get_pbc() 

542 if np.all(pbc): 

543 retval = 'p p p' 

544 else: 

545 cell = atoms.get_cell() 

546 for i in range(0, 3): 

547 if pbc[i]: 

548 retval += 'p ' 

549 else: 

550 # See if we're using indefinite ASE boundaries along this 

551 # direction 

552 if np.linalg.norm(cell[i]) < np.finfo(cell[i][0]).tiny: 

553 retval += 's ' 

554 else: 

555 retval += 'f ' 


557 return retval.strip() 


559 def rebuild(self, atoms): 

560 try: 

561 n_diff = len(atoms.numbers) - len(self.previous_atoms_numbers) 

562 except Exception: # XXX Which kind of exception? 

563 n_diff = len(atoms.numbers) 


565 if n_diff > 0: 

566 if any([("reax/c" in cmd) for cmd in self.parameters.lmpcmds]): 

567 self.lmp.command("pair_style lj/cut 2.5") 

568 self.lmp.command("pair_coeff * * 1 1") 


570 for cmd in self.parameters.lmpcmds: 

571 if (("pair_style" in cmd) or ("pair_coeff" in cmd) or 

572 ("qeq/reax" in cmd)): 

573 self.lmp.command(cmd) 


575 cmd = "create_atoms 1 random {} 1 NULL".format(n_diff) 

576 self.lmp.command(cmd) 

577 elif n_diff < 0: 

578 cmd = "group delatoms id {}:{}".format( 

579 len(atoms.numbers) + 1, len(self.previous_atoms_numbers)) 

580 self.lmp.command(cmd) 

581 cmd = "delete_atoms group delatoms" 

582 self.lmp.command(cmd) 


584 self.redo_atom_types(atoms) 


586 def redo_atom_types(self, atoms): 

587 current_types = set( 

588 (i + 1, self.parameters.atom_types[sym]) for i, sym 

589 in enumerate(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())) 


591 try: 

592 previous_types = set( 

593 (i + 1, self.parameters.atom_types[ase_chemical_symbols[Z]]) 

594 for i, Z in enumerate(self.previous_atoms_numbers)) 

595 except Exception: # XXX which kind of exception? 

596 previous_types = set() 


598 for (i, i_type) in current_types - previous_types: 

599 cmd = "set atom {} type {}".format(i, i_type) 

600 self.lmp.command(cmd) 


602 self.previous_atoms_numbers = atoms.numbers.copy() 


604 def restart_lammps(self, atoms): 

605 if self.started: 

606 self.lmp.command("clear") 

607 # hope there's no other state to be reset 

608 self.started = False 

609 self.initialized = False 

610 self.previous_atoms_numbers = [] 

611 self.start_lammps() 

612 self.initialise_lammps(atoms) 


614 def start_lammps(self): 

615 # Only import lammps when running a calculation 

616 # so it is not required to use other parts of the 

617 # module 

618 from lammps import lammps 

619 # start lammps process 

620 if self.parameters.log_file is None: 

621 cmd_args = ['-echo', 'log', '-log', 'none', '-screen', 'none', 

622 '-nocite'] 

623 else: 

624 cmd_args = ['-echo', 'log', '-log', self.parameters.log_file, 

625 '-screen', 'none', '-nocite'] 


627 self.cmd_args = cmd_args 


629 if self.lmp is None: 

630 self.lmp = lammps(self.parameters.lammps_name, self.cmd_args, 

631 comm=self.parameters.comm) 


633 # Run header commands to set up lammps (units, etc.) 

634 for cmd in self.parameters.lammps_header: 

635 self.lmp.command(cmd) 


637 for cmd in self.parameters.lammps_header: 

638 if "units" in cmd: 

639 self.units = cmd.split()[1] 


641 if 'lammps_header_extra' in self.parameters: 

642 if self.parameters.lammps_header_extra is not None: 

643 for cmd in self.parameters.lammps_header_extra: 

644 self.lmp.command(cmd) 


646 self.started = True 


648 def initialise_lammps(self, atoms): 

649 # Initialising commands 

650 if self.parameters.boundary: 

651 # if the boundary command is in the supplied commands use that 

652 # otherwise use atoms pbc 

653 for cmd in self.parameters.lmpcmds: 

654 if 'boundary' in cmd: 

655 break 

656 else: 

657 self.lmp.command('boundary ' + self.lammpsbc(atoms)) 


659 # Initialize cell 

660 self.set_cell(atoms, change=not self.parameters.create_box) 


662 if self.parameters.atom_types is None: 

663 # if None is given, create from atoms object in order of appearance 

664 s = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() 

665 _, idx = np.unique(s, return_index=True) 

666 s_red = np.array(s)[np.sort(idx)].tolist() 

667 self.parameters.atom_types = {j: i + 1 for i, j in enumerate(s_red)} 


669 # Initialize box 

670 if self.parameters.create_box: 

671 # count number of known types 

672 n_types = len(self.parameters.atom_types) 

673 create_box_command = 'create_box {} cell'.format(n_types) 

674 self.lmp.command(create_box_command) 


676 # Initialize the atoms with their types 

677 # positions do not matter here 

678 if self.parameters.create_atoms: 

679 self.lmp.command('echo none') # don't echo the atom positions 

680 self.rebuild(atoms) 

681 self.lmp.command('echo log') # turn back on 

682 else: 

683 self.previous_atoms_numbers = atoms.numbers.copy() 


685 # execute the user commands 

686 for cmd in self.parameters.lmpcmds: 

687 self.lmp.command(cmd) 


689 # Set masses after user commands, e.g. to override 

690 # EAM-provided masses 

691 for sym in self.parameters.atom_types: 

692 if self.parameters.atom_type_masses is None: 

693 mass = ase_atomic_masses[ase_atomic_numbers[sym]] 

694 else: 

695 mass = self.parameters.atom_type_masses[sym] 

696 self.lmp.command('mass %d %.30f' % ( 

697 self.parameters.atom_types[sym], 

698 convert(mass, "mass", "ASE", self.units))) 


700 # Define force & energy variables for extraction 

701 self.lmp.command('variable pxx equal pxx') 

702 self.lmp.command('variable pyy equal pyy') 

703 self.lmp.command('variable pzz equal pzz') 

704 self.lmp.command('variable pxy equal pxy') 

705 self.lmp.command('variable pxz equal pxz') 

706 self.lmp.command('variable pyz equal pyz') 


708 # I am not sure why we need this next line but LAMMPS will 

709 # raise an error if it is not there. Perhaps it is needed to 

710 # ensure the cell stresses are calculated 

711 self.lmp.command('thermo_style custom pe pxx emol ecoul') 


713 self.lmp.command('variable fx atom fx') 

714 self.lmp.command('variable fy atom fy') 

715 self.lmp.command('variable fz atom fz') 


717 # do we need this if we extract from a global ? 

718 self.lmp.command('variable pe equal pe') 


720 self.lmp.command("neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes") 


722 self.initialized = True