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1import numpy as np
4def cut(atoms, a=(1, 0, 0), b=(0, 1, 0), c=None, clength=None,
5 origo=(0, 0, 0), nlayers=None, extend=1.0, tolerance=0.01,
6 maxatoms=None):
7 """Cuts out a cell defined by *a*, *b*, *c* and *origo* from a
8 sufficiently repeated copy of *atoms*.
10 Typically, this function is used to create slabs of different
11 sizes and orientations. The vectors *a*, *b* and *c* are in scaled
12 coordinates and defines the returned cell and should normally be
13 integer-valued in order to end up with a periodic
14 structure. However, for systems with sub-translations, like fcc,
15 integer multiples of 1/2 or 1/3 might also make sense for some
16 directions (and will be treated correctly).
18 Parameters:
20 atoms: Atoms instance
21 This should correspond to a repeatable unit cell.
22 a: int | 3 floats
23 The a-vector in scaled coordinates of the cell to cut out. If
24 integer, the a-vector will be the scaled vector from *origo* to the
25 atom with index *a*.
26 b: int | 3 floats
27 The b-vector in scaled coordinates of the cell to cut out. If
28 integer, the b-vector will be the scaled vector from *origo* to the
29 atom with index *b*.
30 c: None | int | 3 floats
31 The c-vector in scaled coordinates of the cell to cut out.
32 if integer, the c-vector will be the scaled vector from *origo* to
33 the atom with index *c*.
34 If *None* it will be along cross(a, b) converted to real space
35 and normalised with the cube root of the volume. Note that this
36 in general is not perpendicular to a and b for non-cubic
37 systems. For cubic systems however, this is redused to
38 c = cross(a, b).
39 clength: None | float
40 If not None, the length of the c-vector will be fixed to
41 *clength* Angstroms. Should not be used together with
42 *nlayers*.
43 origo: int | 3 floats
44 Position of origo of the new cell in scaled coordinates. If
45 integer, the position of the atom with index *origo* is used.
46 nlayers: None | int
47 If *nlayers* is not *None*, the returned cell will have
48 *nlayers* atomic layers in the c-direction.
49 extend: 1 or 3 floats
50 The *extend* argument scales the effective cell in which atoms
51 will be included. It must either be three floats or a single
52 float scaling all 3 directions. By setting to a value just
53 above one, e.g. 1.05, it is possible to all the corner and
54 edge atoms in the returned cell. This will of cause make the
55 returned cell non-repeatable, but is very useful for
56 visualisation.
57 tolerance: float
58 Determines what is defined as a plane. All atoms within
59 *tolerance* Angstroms from a given plane will be considered to
60 belong to that plane.
61 maxatoms: None | int
62 This option is used to auto-tune *tolerance* when *nlayers* is
63 given for high zone axis systems. For high zone axis one
64 needs to reduce *tolerance* in order to distinguise the atomic
65 planes, resulting in the more atoms will be added and
66 eventually MemoryError. A too small *tolerance*, on the other
67 hand, might result in inproper splitting of atomic planes and
68 that too few layers are returned. If *maxatoms* is not None,
69 *tolerance* will automatically be gradually reduced until
70 *nlayers* atomic layers is obtained, when the number of atoms
71 exceeds *maxatoms*.
73 Example:
75 >>> import ase
76 >>> from ase.spacegroup import crystal
77 >>>
78 # Create an aluminium (111) slab with three layers
79 #
80 # First an unit cell of Al
81 >>> a = 4.05
82 >>> aluminium = crystal('Al', [(0,0,0)], spacegroup=225,
83 ... cellpar=[a, a, a, 90, 90, 90])
84 >>>
85 # Then cut out the slab
86 >>> al111 = cut(aluminium, (1,-1,0), (0,1,-1), nlayers=3)
87 >>>
88 # Visualisation of the skutterudite unit cell
89 #
90 # Again, create a skutterudite unit cell
91 >>> a = 9.04
92 >>> skutterudite = crystal(
93 ... ('Co', 'Sb'),
94 ... basis=[(0.25,0.25,0.25), (0.0, 0.335, 0.158)],
95 ... spacegroup=204,
96 ... cellpar=[a, a, a, 90, 90, 90])
97 >>>
98 # Then use *origo* to put 'Co' at the corners and *extend* to
99 # include all corner and edge atoms.
100 >>> s = cut(skutterudite, origo=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), extend=1.01)
101 >>> ase.view(s) # doctest: +SKIP
102 """
103 atoms = atoms.copy()
104 cell = atoms.cell
106 if isinstance(origo, int):
107 origo = atoms.get_scaled_positions()[origo]
108 origo = np.array(origo, dtype=float)
110 scaled = (atoms.get_scaled_positions() - origo) % 1.0
111 scaled %= 1.0 # needed to ensure that all numbers are *less* than one
112 atoms.set_scaled_positions(scaled)
114 if isinstance(a, int):
115 a = scaled[a] - origo
116 if isinstance(b, int):
117 b = scaled[b] - origo
118 if isinstance(c, int):
119 c = scaled[c] - origo
121 a = np.array(a, dtype=float)
122 b = np.array(b, dtype=float)
123 if c is None:
124 metric =, cell.T)
125 vol = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(metric))
126 h = np.cross(a, b)
127 H = np.linalg.solve(metric.T, h.T)
128 c = vol * H / vol**(1. / 3.)
129 c = np.array(c, dtype=float)
131 if nlayers:
132 # Recursive increase the length of c until we have at least
133 # *nlayers* atomic layers parallel to the a-b plane
134 while True:
135 at = cut(atoms, a, b, c, origo=origo, extend=extend,
136 tolerance=tolerance)
137 scaled = at.get_scaled_positions()
138 d = scaled[:, 2]
139 keys = np.argsort(d)
140 ikeys = np.argsort(keys)
141 tol = tolerance
142 while True:
143 mask = np.concatenate(([True], np.diff(d[keys]) > tol))
144 tags = np.cumsum(mask)[ikeys] - 1
145 levels = d[keys][mask]
146 if (maxatoms is None or len(at) < maxatoms or
147 len(levels) > nlayers):
148 break
149 tol *= 0.9
150 if len(levels) > nlayers:
151 break
152 c *= 2
154 at.cell[2] *= levels[nlayers]
155 return at[tags < nlayers]
157 newcell =[a, b, c]), cell)
158 if nlayers is None and clength is not None:
159 newcell[2, :] *= clength / np.linalg.norm(newcell[2])
161 # Create a new atoms object, repeated and translated such that
162 # it completely covers the new cell
163 scorners_newcell = np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.],
164 [0., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 1.],
165 [1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 1.],
166 [1., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 1.]])
167 corners =, newcell * extend)
168 scorners = np.linalg.solve(cell.T, corners.T).T
169 rep = np.ceil(scorners.ptp(axis=0)).astype('int') + 1
170 trans =, cell)
171 atoms = atoms.repeat(rep)
172 atoms.translate(trans)
173 atoms.set_cell(newcell)
175 # Mask out atoms outside new cell
176 stol = 0.1 * tolerance # scaled tolerance, XXX
177 maskcell = atoms.cell * extend
178 sp = np.linalg.solve(maskcell.T, (atoms.positions).T).T
179 mask = np.all(np.logical_and(-stol <= sp, sp < 1 - stol), axis=1)
180 atoms = atoms[mask]
181 return atoms
184class IncompatibleCellError(ValueError):
185 """Exception raised if stacking fails due to incompatible cells
186 between *atoms1* and *atoms2*."""
187 pass
190def stack(atoms1, atoms2, axis=2, cell=None, fix=0.5,
191 maxstrain=0.5, distance=None, reorder=False,
192 output_strained=False):
193 """Return a new Atoms instance with *atoms2* stacked on top of
194 *atoms1* along the given axis. Periodicity in all directions is
195 ensured.
197 The size of the final cell is determined by *cell*, except
198 that the length alongh *axis* will be the sum of
199 *atoms1.cell[axis]* and *atoms2.cell[axis]*. If *cell* is None,
200 it will be interpolated between *atoms1* and *atoms2*, where
201 *fix* determines their relative weight. Hence, if *fix* equals
202 zero, the final cell will be determined purely from *atoms1* and
203 if *fix* equals one, it will be determined purely from
204 *atoms2*.
206 An ase.geometry.IncompatibleCellError exception is raised if the
207 cells of *atoms1* and *atoms2* are incompatible, e.g. if the far
208 corner of the unit cell of either *atoms1* or *atoms2* is
209 displaced more than *maxstrain*. Setting *maxstrain* to None
210 disables this check.
212 If *distance* is not None, the size of the final cell, along the
213 direction perpendicular to the interface, will be adjusted such
214 that the distance between the closest atoms in *atoms1* and
215 *atoms2* will be equal to *distance*. This option uses
216 scipy.optimize.fmin() and hence require scipy to be installed.
218 If *reorder* is True, then the atoms will be reordered such that
219 all atoms with the same symbol will follow sequencially after each
220 other, eg: 'Al2MnAl10Fe' -> 'Al12FeMn'.
222 If *output_strained* is True, then the strained versions of
223 *atoms1* and *atoms2* are returned in addition to the stacked
224 structure.
226 Example:
228 >>> import ase
229 >>> from ase.spacegroup import crystal
230 >>>
231 # Create an Ag(110)-Si(110) interface with three atomic layers
232 # on each side.
233 >>> a_ag = 4.09
234 >>> ag = crystal(['Ag'], basis=[(0,0,0)], spacegroup=225,
235 ... cellpar=[a_ag, a_ag, a_ag, 90., 90., 90.])
236 >>> ag110 = cut(ag, (0, 0, 3), (-1.5, 1.5, 0), nlayers=3)
237 >>>
238 >>> a_si = 5.43
239 >>> si = crystal(['Si'], basis=[(0,0,0)], spacegroup=227,
240 ... cellpar=[a_si, a_si, a_si, 90., 90., 90.])
241 >>> si110 = cut(si, (0, 0, 2), (-1, 1, 0), nlayers=3)
242 >>>
243 >>> interface = stack(ag110, si110, maxstrain=1)
244 >>> ase.view(interface) # doctest: +SKIP
245 >>>
246 # Once more, this time adjusted such that the distance between
247 # the closest Ag and Si atoms will be 2.3 Angstrom (requires scipy).
248 >>> interface2 = stack(ag110, si110,
249 ... maxstrain=1, distance=2.3) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
250 Optimization terminated successfully.
251 ...
252 >>> ase.view(interface2) # doctest: +SKIP
253 """
254 atoms1 = atoms1.copy()
255 atoms2 = atoms2.copy()
257 for atoms in [atoms1, atoms2]:
258 if not atoms.cell[axis].any():
259, axis=axis)
261 if (np.sign(np.linalg.det(atoms1.cell)) !=
262 np.sign(np.linalg.det(atoms2.cell))):
263 raise IncompatibleCellError('Cells of *atoms1* and *atoms2* must have '
264 'same handedness.')
266 c1 = np.linalg.norm(atoms1.cell[axis])
267 c2 = np.linalg.norm(atoms2.cell[axis])
268 if cell is None:
269 cell1 = atoms1.cell.copy()
270 cell2 = atoms2.cell.copy()
271 cell1[axis] /= c1
272 cell2[axis] /= c2
273 cell = cell1 + fix * (cell2 - cell1)
274 cell[axis] /= np.linalg.norm(cell[axis])
275 cell1 = cell.copy()
276 cell2 = cell.copy()
277 cell1[axis] *= c1
278 cell2[axis] *= c2
280 if maxstrain:
281 strain1 = np.sqrt(((cell1 - atoms1.cell).sum(axis=0)**2).sum())
282 strain2 = np.sqrt(((cell2 - atoms2.cell).sum(axis=0)**2).sum())
283 if strain1 > maxstrain or strain2 > maxstrain:
284 raise IncompatibleCellError(
285 '*maxstrain* exceeded. *atoms1* strained %f and '
286 '*atoms2* strained %f.' % (strain1, strain2))
288 atoms1.set_cell(cell1, scale_atoms=True)
289 atoms2.set_cell(cell2, scale_atoms=True)
290 if output_strained:
291 atoms1_strained = atoms1.copy()
292 atoms2_strained = atoms2.copy()
294 if distance is not None:
295 from scipy.optimize import fmin
297 def mindist(pos1, pos2):
298 n1 = len(pos1)
299 n2 = len(pos2)
300 idx1 = np.arange(n1).repeat(n2)
301 idx2 = np.tile(np.arange(n2), n1)
302 return np.sqrt(((pos1[idx1] - pos2[idx2])**2).sum(axis=1).min())
304 def func(x):
305 t1, t2, h1, h2 = x[0:3], x[3:6], x[6], x[7]
306 pos1 = atoms1.positions + t1
307 pos2 = atoms2.positions + t2
308 d1 = mindist(pos1, pos2 + (h1 + 1.0) * atoms1.cell[axis])
309 d2 = mindist(pos2, pos1 + (h2 + 1.0) * atoms2.cell[axis])
310 return (d1 - distance)**2 + (d2 - distance)**2
314 x0 = np.zeros((8,))
315 x = fmin(func, x0)
316 t1, t2, h1, h2 = x[0:3], x[3:6], x[6], x[7]
317 atoms1.translate(t1)
318 atoms2.translate(t2)
319 atoms1.cell[axis] *= 1.0 + h1
320 atoms2.cell[axis] *= 1.0 + h2
322 atoms2.translate(atoms1.cell[axis])
323 atoms1.cell[axis] += atoms2.cell[axis]
324 atoms1.extend(atoms2)
326 if reorder:
327 atoms1 = sort(atoms1)
329 if output_strained:
330 return atoms1, atoms1_strained, atoms2_strained
331 else:
332 return atoms1
335def rotation_matrix(a1, a2, b1, b2):
336 """Returns a rotation matrix that rotates the vectors *a1* in the
337 direction of *a2* and *b1* in the direction of *b2*.
339 In the case that the angle between *a2* and *b2* is not the same
340 as between *a1* and *b1*, a proper rotation matrix will anyway be
341 constructed by first rotate *b2* in the *b1*, *b2* plane.
342 """
343 a1 = np.asarray(a1, dtype=float) / np.linalg.norm(a1)
344 b1 = np.asarray(b1, dtype=float) / np.linalg.norm(b1)
345 c1 = np.cross(a1, b1)
346 c1 /= np.linalg.norm(c1) # clean out rounding errors...
348 a2 = np.asarray(a2, dtype=float) / np.linalg.norm(a2)
349 b2 = np.asarray(b2, dtype=float) / np.linalg.norm(b2)
350 c2 = np.cross(a2, b2)
351 c2 /= np.linalg.norm(c2) # clean out rounding errors...
353 # Calculate rotated *b2*
354 theta = np.arccos(, b2)) - np.arccos(, b1))
355 b3 = np.sin(theta) * a2 + np.cos(theta) * b2
356 b3 /= np.linalg.norm(b3) # clean out rounding errors...
358 A1 = np.array([a1, b1, c1])
359 A2 = np.array([a2, b3, c2])
360 R = np.linalg.solve(A1, A2).T
361 return R
364def rotate(atoms, a1, a2, b1, b2, rotate_cell=True, center=(0, 0, 0)):
365 """Rotate *atoms*, such that *a1* will be rotated in the direction
366 of *a2* and *b1* in the direction of *b2*. The point at *center*
367 is fixed. Use *center='COM'* to fix the center of mass. If
368 *rotate_cell* is true, the cell will be rotated together with the
369 atoms.
371 Note that the 000-corner of the cell is by definition fixed at
372 origo. Hence, setting *center* to something other than (0, 0, 0)
373 will rotate the atoms out of the cell, even if *rotate_cell* is
374 True.
375 """
376 if isinstance(center, str) and center.lower() == 'com':
377 center = atoms.get_center_of_mass()
379 R = rotation_matrix(a1, a2, b1, b2)
380 atoms.positions[:] = - center, R.T) + center
382 if rotate_cell:
383 atoms.cell[:] =, R.T)
386def minimize_tilt_ij(atoms, modified=1, fixed=0, fold_atoms=True):
387 """Minimize the tilt angle for two given axes.
389 The problem is underdetermined. Therefore one can choose one axis
390 that is kept fixed.
391 """
393 orgcell_cc = atoms.get_cell()
394 pbc_c = atoms.get_pbc()
395 i = fixed
396 j = modified
397 if not (pbc_c[i] and pbc_c[j]):
398 raise RuntimeError('Axes have to be periodic')
400 prod_cc =, orgcell_cc.T)
401 cell_cc = 1. * orgcell_cc
402 nji = np.floor(- prod_cc[i, j] / prod_cc[i, i] + 0.5)
403 cell_cc[j] = orgcell_cc[j] + nji * cell_cc[i]
405 # sanity check
406 def volume(cell):
407 return np.abs([2], np.cross(cell[0], cell[1])))
408 V = volume(cell_cc)
409 assert(abs(volume(orgcell_cc) - V) / V < 1.e-10)
411 atoms.set_cell(cell_cc)
413 if fold_atoms:
414 atoms.wrap()
417def minimize_tilt(atoms, order=range(3), fold_atoms=True):
418 """Minimize the tilt angles of the unit cell."""
419 pbc_c = atoms.get_pbc()
421 for i1, c1 in enumerate(order):
422 for c2 in order[i1 + 1:]:
423 if pbc_c[c1] and pbc_c[c2]:
424 minimize_tilt_ij(atoms, c1, c2, fold_atoms)
427def niggli_reduce_cell(cell, epsfactor=None):
428 from ase.geometry import cellpar_to_cell
430 if epsfactor is None:
431 epsfactor = 1e-5
432 eps = epsfactor * abs(np.linalg.det(cell))**(1./3.)
434 cell = np.asarray(cell)
436 I3 = np.eye(3, dtype=int)
437 I6 = np.eye(6, dtype=int)
439 C = I3.copy()
440 D = I6.copy()
442 g0 = np.zeros(6, dtype=float)
443 g0[0] =[0], cell[0])
444 g0[1] =[1], cell[1])
445 g0[2] =[2], cell[2])
446 g0[3] = 2 *[1], cell[2])
447 g0[4] = 2 *[0], cell[2])
448 g0[5] = 2 *[0], cell[1])
450 g =, g0)
452 def lt(x, y, eps=eps):
453 return x < y - eps
455 def gt(x, y, eps=eps):
456 return lt(y, x, eps)
458 def eq(x, y, eps=eps):
459 return not (lt(x, y, eps) or gt(x, y, eps))
461 for _ in range(10000):
462 if (gt(g[0], g[1])
463 or (eq(g[0], g[1]) and gt(abs(g[3]), abs(g[4])))):
464 C =, -I3[[1, 0, 2]])
465 D =[[1, 0, 2, 4, 3, 5]], D)
466 g =, g0)
467 continue
468 elif (gt(g[1], g[2])
469 or (eq(g[1], g[2]) and gt(abs(g[4]), abs(g[5])))):
470 C =, -I3[[0, 2, 1]])
471 D =[[0, 2, 1, 3, 5, 4]], D)
472 g =, g0)
473 continue
475 lmn = np.array(gt(g[3:], 0, eps=eps/2), dtype=int)
476 lmn -= np.array(lt(g[3:], 0, eps=eps/2), dtype=int)
478 if == 1:
479 ijk = lmn.copy()
480 for idx in range(3):
481 if ijk[idx] == 0:
482 ijk[idx] = 1
483 else:
484 ijk = np.ones(3, dtype=int)
485 if np.any(lmn != -1):
486 r = None
487 for idx in range(3):
488 if lmn[idx] == 1:
489 ijk[idx] = -1
490 elif lmn[idx] == 0:
491 r = idx
492 if == -1:
493 ijk[r] = -1
495 C *= ijk[np.newaxis]
497 D[3] *= ijk[1] * ijk[2]
498 D[4] *= ijk[0] * ijk[2]
499 D[5] *= ijk[0] * ijk[1]
500 g =, g0)
502 if (gt(abs(g[3]), g[1])
503 or (eq(g[3], g[1]) and lt(2 * g[4], g[5]))
504 or (eq(g[3], -g[1]) and lt(g[5], 0))):
505 s = int(np.sign(g[3]))
507 A = I3.copy()
508 A[1, 2] = -s
509 C =, A)
511 B = I6.copy()
512 B[2, 1] = 1
513 B[2, 3] = -s
514 B[3, 1] = -2 * s
515 B[4, 5] = -s
516 D =, D)
517 g =, g0)
518 elif (gt(abs(g[4]), g[0])
519 or (eq(g[4], g[0]) and lt(2 * g[3], g[5]))
520 or (eq(g[4], -g[0]) and lt(g[5], 0))):
521 s = int(np.sign(g[4]))
523 A = I3.copy()
524 A[0, 2] = -s
525 C =, A)
527 B = I6.copy()
528 B[2, 0] = 1
529 B[2, 4] = -s
530 B[3, 5] = -s
531 B[4, 0] = -2 * s
532 D =, D)
533 g =, g0)
534 elif (gt(abs(g[5]), g[0])
535 or (eq(g[5], g[0]) and lt(2 * g[3], g[4]))
536 or (eq(g[5], -g[0]) and lt(g[4], 0))):
537 s = int(np.sign(g[5]))
539 A = I3.copy()
540 A[0, 1] = -s
541 C =, A)
543 B = I6.copy()
544 B[1, 0] = 1
545 B[1, 5] = -s
546 B[3, 4] = -s
547 B[5, 0] = -2 * s
548 D =, D)
549 g =, g0)
550 elif (lt(g[[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]].sum(), 0)
551 or (eq(g[[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]].sum(), 0)
552 and gt(2 * (g[0] + g[4]) + g[5], 0))):
553 A = I3.copy()
554 A[:, 2] = 1
555 C =, A)
557 B = I6.copy()
558 B[2, :] = 1
559 B[3, 1] = 2
560 B[3, 5] = 1
561 B[4, 0] = 2
562 B[4, 5] = 1
563 D =, D)
564 g =, g0)
565 else:
566 break
567 else:
568 raise RuntimeError('Niggli reduction not done in 10000 steps!\n'
569 'cell={}\n'
570 'operation={}'
571 .format(cell.tolist(), C.tolist()))
573 abc = np.sqrt(g[:3])
574 # Prevent division by zero e.g. for cell==zeros((3, 3)):
575 abcprod = max(, 1e-100)
576 cosangles = abc * g[3:] / (2 * abcprod)
577 angles = 180 * np.arccos(cosangles) / np.pi
578 newcell = np.array(cellpar_to_cell(np.concatenate([abc, angles])),
579 dtype=float)
581 return newcell, C
584def update_cell_and_positions(atoms, new_cell, op):
585 """Helper method for transforming cell and positions of atoms object."""
586 scpos = np.linalg.solve(op, atoms.get_scaled_positions().T).T
587 scpos %= 1.0
588 scpos %= 1.0
590 atoms.set_cell(new_cell)
591 atoms.set_scaled_positions(scpos)
594def niggli_reduce(atoms):
595 """Convert the supplied atoms object's unit cell into its
596 maximally-reduced Niggli unit cell. Even if the unit cell is already
597 maximally reduced, it will be converted into its unique Niggli unit cell.
598 This will also wrap all atoms into the new unit cell.
600 References:
602 Niggli, P. "Krystallographische und strukturtheoretische Grundbegriffe.
603 Handbuch der Experimentalphysik", 1928, Vol. 7, Part 1, 108-176.
605 Krivy, I. and Gruber, B., "A Unified Algorithm for Determining the
606 Reduced (Niggli) Cell", Acta Cryst. 1976, A32, 297-298.
608 Grosse-Kunstleve, R.W.; Sauter, N. K.; and Adams, P. D. "Numerically
609 stable algorithms for the computation of reduced unit cells", Acta Cryst.
610 2004, A60, 1-6.
611 """
613 assert all(atoms.pbc), 'Can only reduce 3d periodic unit cells!'
614 new_cell, op = niggli_reduce_cell(atoms.cell)
615 update_cell_and_positions(atoms, new_cell, op)
618def reduce_lattice(atoms, eps=2e-4):
619 """Reduce atoms object to canonical lattice.
621 This changes the cell and positions such that the atoms object has
622 the canonical form used for defining band paths but is otherwise
623 physically equivalent. The eps parameter is used as a tolerance
624 for determining the cell's Bravais lattice."""
625 from ase.geometry.bravais_type_engine import identify_lattice
626 niggli_reduce(atoms)
627 lat, op = identify_lattice(atoms.cell, eps=eps)
628 update_cell_and_positions(atoms, lat.tocell(), np.linalg.inv(op))
631def sort(atoms, tags=None):
632 """Return a new Atoms object with sorted atomic order. The default
633 is to order according to chemical symbols, but if *tags* is not
634 None, it will be used instead. A stable sorting algorithm is used.
636 Example:
638 >>> from import bulk
639 >>> # Two unit cells of NaCl:
640 >>> a = 5.64
641 >>> nacl = bulk('NaCl', 'rocksalt', a=a) * (2, 1, 1)
642 >>> nacl.get_chemical_symbols()
643 ['Na', 'Cl', 'Na', 'Cl']
644 >>> nacl_sorted = sort(nacl)
645 >>> nacl_sorted.get_chemical_symbols()
646 ['Cl', 'Cl', 'Na', 'Na']
647 >>> np.all(nacl_sorted.cell == nacl.cell)
648 True
649 """
650 if tags is None:
651 tags = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
652 else:
653 tags = list(tags)
654 deco = sorted([(tag, i) for i, tag in enumerate(tags)])
655 indices = [i for tag, i in deco]
656 return atoms[indices]